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Dear Friend,
I came across this quote recently that says, “The world’s favorite season is the spring. All things are possible in May.” [1] And as we enter June, a saying by Fabienne Fredrickson comes to mind, “the day you plant the seed isn't the day you eat the fruit. Be patient and stay the course.” Now, as we continue on the path to passing a national paid leave program, I wanted to reflect on some of the wonderful things that have recently happened in May 2023 in support of moms and families like yours and mine.
Late last month, advocates, workers, moms with their children and our champions in Congress came together on the lawn in front of the United States Capitol Building to talk about the critical need for paid family and medical leave and for earned paid sick time. Every day, families face impossible choices; and we all know that workers shouldn’t have to choose between putting food on the table or taking care of one’s family. This is not a choice anyone should have to make.
Our legislative champions: Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Kristin Gilibrand, Senator Patty Murray, Senator Chuck Schumer and Representative Rosa DeLauro are keenly aware of how vulnerable families are and how vital paid leave and earned paid sick time is for families, that’s why on May 17th, flanked by staff members of MomsRising, they reintroduced the FAMILY ACT and the Healthy Families Act, so families like yours and mine aren’t forced to make those impossible choices. This is huge!
The Family and Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act has been updated and improved which means regardless of employer size, all workers, including those who are self-employed or part-time, will have access to 12 weeks of PAID leave for when a new baby or child arrives or a serious health crisis strikes themselves or a close loved one. Additionally, in good news, the lowest paid workers will be able to earn 85% of their normal wages AND it ensures that workers are protected from retaliation and those workers who have been at their jobs for more than 90 days have the right to be reinstated after their leave. [2]
The Healthy Families Act would establish a national standard and allow workers in businesses with 15 or more employees to earn up to 7 job protected paid sick days each year. Workers can use their earned paid sick days to recover from their own illness, to care for a sick family member, for preventive care or to even attend school meetings related to a child’s disability or health condition. Another significant, great component of the policy allows workers who are survivors of stalking, sexual assault or domestic violence to use their paid sick days to recover or locate assistance related to an incident.
The bottom line is that earned paid sick days and paid family and medical leave are two policies that are beneficial for families, businesses and our economy. Workers deserve to take the time they need to care for themselves and their loved ones when needed. They deserve to not have to put off necessary health care for themselves or their families because they lack paid time to care. They deserve time to bond with a new child, recover from childbirth, take care of themselves, their families and their chosen families.
Right now, without these key policies in place, working moms, parents and family members, including many Black and brown women who spend considerably more time providing care to others, encounter significant employment related costs. For instance, Black mothers incur lower employment-related care costs on average than other groups; however, their losses often lead to economic hardship because many Black workers earn relatively low wages. Lifetime caregiving-related earning losses are also high for Hispanic mothers and less-educated mothers.
Overall, lifetime caregiving-related earning losses represent 26% of potential earnings for mothers who did not complete high school and 19% of potential earnings for Hispanic mothers. [3] The United States lacks policies that support workers and as such it forces them to make impossible choices.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Studies show that taking these steps lifts our economy, [4] helps our businesses, opens the door for families to thrive, and helps close the wage gaps. [5]
The bottom line: Moms and caregivers are working hard and deserve leaders who have our back. Having our backs means advancing the policies that give us the tools to build a good life for ourselves, for our children, and for our families– and to lift the economy at the same time. We know how to solve the care crisis we collectively face. It’s by passing policies like the FAMILY Act (paid family and medical leave) and Healthy Families Act (sick days).
With your help, we were able to get the FAMILY Act and the Healthy Families Act updated and reintroduced. I don’t know about you but I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the next 7 months! Now, let’s continue to work together and make strides in pushing our leaders in Congress to pass comprehensive paid family and medical leave and paid sick time!
Thanks for all of your support,
--Namatie, Ruth, Kristin, and the whole MomsRising.org & MamásConPoder Team
P.S.– Personal experiences are powerful and can make a HUGE difference in helping elected leaders understand how public policies impact families so they can move change. We want to hear more from YOU! Can you take a second and follow the link below to share your personal story about how having, or NOT having, access to job-protected paid leave or affordable, quality child care has impacted your family? https://action.momsrising.org/survey/Caretaking_Stories
[1] Edwin Way Teale. North With the Spring (ed. 1951)
[2] Factsheet: The Family And Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY)
[3] Lifetime Employment-Related Costs to Women of Providing Family Care
[4] The Economic Impact of Equal Pay by State
[5] Understanding the “Family Gap” by in Pay for Women with Children
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