Hi, my name is Gabe Amo and I’m running for Congress in the September 2023 special election to represent Rhode Island’s 1st Congressional District. I am honored to have received the endorsement of Democrats Serve.
I have had the honor of serving at the highest levels of government under two Presidents, President Obama and President Biden, and in the Rhode Island State House for former Governor of Rhode Island, Gina Raimondo.
In times of crisis, from mass shootings to extreme weather, I was often the first call from the White House to a mayor or local elected official to let them know the White House was with them to help heal their community. I also helped communities unlock the resources in President Biden’s historic legislative agenda and make lasting change by investing in infrastructure, workforce development, housing, broadband, and climate resilience.
As we have seen in recent weeks, Republican extremists have shown that they are willing to put politics before the good of the American people, sacrifice the health of our economy, and threaten the safety net that protects our seniors.
This is a crucial election – we need a strong, experienced leader to fight Republican attacks on our democracy, reproductive freedom, gun safety, and Social Security and Medicare. We must fight back at the ballot box.
I am the only candidate who is prepared to serve on day one. We need a congressperson who knows how to tackle big challenges – from Washington to Rhode Island – and who will effectively advocate for the Ocean State against the extremists in Congress.
Learn more about me by clicking the video below:
Help us win this fight by chipping in today.
Gabe Amo