Can you join us today?


Democracy is all about representation, and the more than 700,000 residents of the District of Columbia deserve the same right to participate in our democracy as the residents of our 50 states.

However, those of us who live in DC do not even have control over our local laws or our budget. Our nation was founded on the principle of self-government, but under the current arrangement Congress can change any law or budget item passed by the duly elected DC Council and signed by the Mayor

This is simply unacceptable, and the solution is for the District of Columbia to become the 51st state.

This morning, please join us to witness the historic committee vote on DC statehood from the House Oversight and Reform Committee -- the first on the issue since 1993. This is a crucial step toward returning the power to decide who represents us and what policies are crucial to advance the needs of DC residents back to the voters of our community.

Here’s what you need to know to attend this historic event:

  • WHAT: Show members of the House Oversight and Reform Committee the overwhelming support and urgency around providing full voting rights and self-government to DC residents.
  • WHEN: Tuesday, February 11 at 10 A.M. Doors at the Rayburn House Office Building open at 7:30 A.M., but doors to the hearing room will not open until 9:45 A.M. Please plan on arriving early to go through security and to get your spot in line outside the hearing room-- we are expecting a full house for this landmark event.
  • WHERE: Room 2154 in the Rayburn House Office Building. Once that room is full, overflow rooms will be provided.

If you’re unable to join us on Capitol Hill today, please check out the coverage on the House Oversight and Reform Committee’s YouTube page and follow along on social media with the hashtag #DCStatehood.

Thanks for all you do,

Aaron Scherb, Director of Legislative Affairs
and the team at Common Cause

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