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Hawks hallucinate a US-China détente policy that doesn’t exist

By Daniel Larison on Jun 06, 2023 03:11 am

They're distorting Biden’s position to score ideological points while also presenting the more aggressive approach as the answer.
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NYT hypes China threat: They’re reading the internet

By Ben Armbruster on Jun 02, 2023 12:18 pm

That Beijing is mining publicly available information is not new or surprising but fear mongering about it in Washington is good for business.
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Egypt and Iran’s path to rapprochement

By Emily Milliken on Jun 02, 2023 03:00 am

Détente between the two most populous Mideast states follows a regional pattern of renewed diplomacy.
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Ethnic conflict in Kosovo: Cutting the Gordian Knot

By Anatol Lieven on Jun 02, 2023 03:00 am

Democracy and legality haven't solved the problem so the US must also rely on humanity, reality, self-interest, and sheer common sense.
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How weapons firms influence the Ukraine debate

By Ben Freeman on Jun 01, 2023 12:00 pm

'Experts' from defense industry funded think tanks are flooding the media, pushing for more arms without disclosing their benefactors.
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Could the war in Ukraine spoil US-South Africa ties?

By Connor Echols on May 31, 2023 03:00 am

The conflict has been tough for bilateral relations, but some experts see opportunities for cooperation amid the tensions.
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Prigozhin erupts: Has a Russian succession struggle begun?

By Anatol Lieven on May 31, 2023 03:00 am

The Wagner chief's furious attack on elites and the war could portend turmoil with potential to extend well beyond Moscow.
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