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Emergency legislation designed to end the release of people convicted of terrorism offences halfway through their sentence will be presented to parliament
A man acquitted of terrorism in 2018 after he was arrested with a metre-long samurai sword outside Buckingham Palace has been convicted of planning an attack
at tourist hotspots in London.
The potential closure of a C of E school which has lost more than 60% of its pupils since the start of the academic year is currently being consulted on.
A global network of 'crisis pregnancy centres', backed by US anti-abortion groups linked to the Trump White House, has been condemned by lawmakers, doctors
and rights advocates for targeting vulnerable women with "disinformation, emotional manipulation and outright deceit".
Is it time to remove the bishops' bench in the House of Lords? Emma Park travels to Westminster to ask Liberal Democrat peer Dick Taverne why he's introduced
a private members' bill to do just that.
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