By Mark Gruenberg and John Wojcik

MANCHESTER, N.H.—The final daily tracking poll from 7 News/Emerson College, just a day before the primary elections in New Hampshire, has Bernie Sanders leading comfortably with 30 percent. He is followed by Buttigieg with 23 percent, Klobuchar with 14 percent, Warren with 11 percent and Biden with 10 percent.
Sanders holds the lead in polls despite coming under fire from some of his primary opponents, particularly Buttigieg, for being too far to the left of the American mainstream to beat Trump.
Sanders strongly defended Medicare For All at the most recent debate here.
Biden said Sanders would have trouble at the top of the ticket when Trump, as expected, labels him and everyone else the Democrats put forward as “socialists.” Polls show, however, that in head to head matchups both Sanders and Biden defeat Trump....