Hi Friend,

With the school year concluding, many parents are questioning whether their child should return to a government-assigned school next year. 

The 2022 Nation’s Report Card scores exposed the catastrophic failure of the nation’s K-12 education system. 

Irresponsible school district policies led to the largest decline in fourth-grade reading since 1990. Two-thirds of fourth-graders cannot read proficiently. Three-quarters of fourth- and eighth-graders are not proficient in math. 

The history scores are even worse. Only 13% of American students are proficient in history.
If their residentially-assigned schools are failing to teach math, reading, and history, parents should explore alternative options. Fortunately, parents can choose to participate in open enrollment public school options, charter schools, magnet programs, private schools, and homeschooling.

Education funding should follow the student, rather than prop up bureaucratic systems. Over 30 states have programs that allow education funding to follow the child to the education option that best meets his or her needs. 

Do you want funding to follow the child in your state?
States like Iowa, Utah, and Arkansas created education savings account (ESA) programs this year, while Florida and Indiana massively expanded their programs. ESAs enable parents to redirect a portion of the money that the state allocated for their child to the options that meet their needs — regardless of zip code or income. 

ESAs can be used for approved education expenses, including private school tuition, homeschooling, learning pods, tutoring, technology, and other educational services. Thousands of students are already benefiting from the flexibility and freedom these accounts provide. 

The education savings account program opens the door for families to consider private schooling, homeschooling, or a hybrid program for their child, making options accessible to all. 

Friend, read the ESA stories families have shared with IWF to learn more about how the programs are changing students’ lives.

Have you benefited from an Education Savings Account program? Or are you applying for an ESA program in your state? We would love to hear from you.
It is time to prioritize students over systems. Make your voice heard and share your education freedom story. 
Ginny Gentles
Education Freedom Center