When two men are served an eviction notice for defending themselves, their property – and their sleeping children – after being shot at by car thieves, you know the world has gone full tilt. Read the story below – the fact that being blamed for wanting to protect one’s home and family will get you booted from your apartment is a sure sign of insanity! In other news actually making GOC crack a smile is that Biofire, the gun company that was first out with a so-called “smart gun” evidently doesn’t want to do business with a state that has mandated “smart gun” technology. What’s up with that? Read more about this… As we reported last week, a slew of anti-gun bills were heard by both the full Senate and the Assembly, and we are hugely grateful for those of you who took the time to voice your opposition to your legislators via our Legislative Action Center. Now that the “house of origin” deadline has passed, those bills that passed the Assembly will now go through the process in the Senate (and vice versa). Keep up to speed with all the bills we are tracking HERE. Newsom Needs a Truth-Check on FLA’s “Permitless Carry” | The Truth About Guns Ignorant Newsom should take some time to read and digest this piece. CA Wants Gun Mag BAN Case to Go Away: Not So Fast Freedom Haters | AmmoLand What part of "shall not be infringed" do these freedom haters not understand? Men Defend Selves Amid Gunfire From Car Thieves; Then Evicted | Fox13 Outrageous! They were told they had become a nuisance and threatened others’ safety. Smart Gun Company Won’t Do Business in State Requiring Smart Guns | The Trace Well, this is an odd but pleasant development. The Biden Administration & ATF ~ American Gestapo | AmmoLand Federal Agencies are being weaponized against law-abiding citizens under the Biden administration. Pregnant Woman Shoots Man Who Attacked Family In Parking Garage| The Daily Wire More evidence that shows how the 2A is our lifeline protected by the Constitution. Barack Obama Gets Pushback on Twitter After Calling for More Gun Control | Breitbart As he should – he’s exceptionally privileged and has personal security. Funny? Hunter Biden's “2A” Defense Against Possible Gun Charge | RedState This won’t work for the average Joe but being that his dad is POTUS, it might. Massive Noncompliance: Only 250,000 Registered “Pistol Braces” Guns | The Truth About Guns Most likely don’t know they may be felons due to non-compliance. Why Bans On 3D-Printed Guns Are A Bad Idea | Bearing Arms Rights don’t change just because technology does. Most Gun Control Laws Render Us More Unsafe | Newsmax.com Great piece by Dorstewitz. Biden’s Plan To 'Do Something' On Guns Is Unserious | Washington Examiner “Not only are most of its supporters unable to define the term “assault weapon,” including Biden’s own Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) director, but there’s no evidence that such a ban would actually reduce violent crime”. Tickets for upcoming GOC fundraising events are selling out! Oroville Dinner, Friday June 16, 2023 Vacaville, Saturday, October 28, 2023 San Jose, TBD Go online at GOC or call 916-984-1400 TODAY to get yours! |