From Julie McCarty <[email protected]>
Subject True Texas Project: who do you know in Denton County?
Date February 11, 2020 3:06 AM
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Friends and fellow patriots,
Did you know that our group started with less than 2 dozen people sitting in a small classroom? Now here we are kicking off a new group in another county! I cannot express to you how proud I am to see how far we've come. I don't know how many will show up for the Denton County kickoff, but I am certain of two things...

First, it will be more than 2 dozen!

Second, those who get in on the ground floor will have bragging rights ten years from now, just like those of us who celebrated 10yrs of NETTP this past summer.

If you have friends in Denton County, please invite them! Tell them what you think of True Texas Project!

Julie McCarty, CEO
True Texas Project

We are growing! The excitement over True Texas Project is expanding into Denton County! Citizens who want to learn more about politics and get involved in their civic duties requested our presence, and we are thrilled to launch this new endeavor in response. Please join us!

Our inaugural event is being held at Spring Creek BBQ, but we will be looking for a larger, more permanent venue. Please let us know if you have ideas. In the meantime, the more folks who will purchase dinner from Spring Creek, the happier they are to host our meetings. 😉 (However, there is no requirement to order).

True Texas Project – Denton County
Speakers: Matt Rinaldi, Don Huffines
Tuesday, Feb 11, 2020
Spring Creek BBQ, 571 E Round Grove Rd, Lewisville
6:00 – order food (optional but helpful) and mingle
6:30-8:00pm – meeting
All patriots are welcome. Come as you are!
No dues. No fees. No memberships. No RSVPs.
Coming in late? No worries. We’ll save you a seat.

** About Matt Rinaldi:

Matt Rinaldi represented northwest Dallas County in the Texas Legislature from 2015 to 2019. During his time in office, Rinaldi was consistently rated among the top two most conservative members of the House by Rice University, Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, Young Conservatives of Texas and Texas Eagle Forum. Rinaldi was, according to the Dallas Morning News, “instrumental in strengthening the punishments in the sanctuary cities ban,” and authored and passed into law measures that: remove from office public officials who adopt sanctuary city policies, require government contractors and subcontractors to use e-verify, revoke pensions of teachers convicted of committing sex crimes against students, allow churches to utilize volunteers to provide security services without risking heavy fines, and prohibit any taxpayer money from going to Planned Parenthood. He served as the Pro-Life Whip for Texas Right to Life in 2017 and was also named one of the Top 10 Legislators in 2017 by Empower
Texans. Matt attends St. Ann’s Catholic Parish with his wife Corley and son Rush.

** About Don Huffines:

Donald’s passion for liberty has led him to lifelong involvement in conservative republican causes. He served as a National Delegate at the Republican conventions in 2008, 2012, and 2016, and was a State Delegate at numerous State Conventions. In 2014, Don ran to represent Texas Senate District 16, covering north Dallas County, and won the primary by a narrow margin. He served in two legislative sessions and is most known for authoring legislation that resulted in uncovering the largest government corruption scandal in Texas history. He also authored legislation supporting term limits, pro-life measures, constitutional carry, and school choice, and worked to eliminate the vehicle inspection tax and red light cameras. Though he did not win re-election in November of 2018, Don continues to be actively involved in republican politics by supporting GOP candidates at all levels of government.
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Feb 10 ([link removed])
Southern History with Curt Locklear

Feb 11 ([link removed])
Kickoff meeting of True Texas Project Denton County!

Feb 18-28 ([link removed])
Early Voting

Feb 25 ([link removed])
Dinner at Fuddruckers

Mar 3 ([link removed])
Primary Election Day

Mar 9 ([link removed])
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Mar 10 ([link removed])
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Mar 24 ([link removed])
Dinner at Cane's in Euless

Apr 9 ([link removed])
Joint Happy Hour w/ Empower Texans at Napoli's

Apr 13 ([link removed])
Russ Ramsland: Deep State

Apr 14 ([link removed])
Denton: Russ Ramsland, Deep State

May 11 ([link removed])
Tom Homan, former ICE Director

May 12 ([link removed])
Denton: Tom Homan, former ICE Director

May 26
Dinner at TBD

Jun 8 ([link removed])
Jim Simpson, Agenda To Erase America

Jun 9 ([link removed])
Denton: Jim Simpson, Agenda to Erase America

Jun 23
Dinner at TBD

Jul 13 ([link removed]) -
KrisAnne Hall, Red Flag Laws

Jul 14 ([link removed])
Denton: KrisAnne Hall

Jul 28
Dinner at TBD

Aug 10
"Keeping Ther Faith" (in public school)

Aug 11
Denton host "Keeping Their Faith" (in public school)

Aug 25
Dinner at TBD

Sep 14 -
Prepping For Next Session: partners in the battle

Sep 15
Denton hosts Prepping For Next Session: partners in battle

Sep 22
Dinner at TBD

Oct 12
Prepping For Next Session: Tinderholt & Malone

Oct 13
Denton hosts Prepping for Next Session: Tinderholt & Malone

Oct 27
Dinner at TBD

Nov 9
Prepping For Next Session: Empower Texans

Nov 10
Denton hosts Prepping For Next Session: Empower Texans

Dec 14
Christmas Party

Jan 11 ([link removed])
Pastors Panel

Jan 12 ([link removed])
Denton hosts Pastors Panel

We meet the 2nd Monday of every month at 6000 Hawk Ave, NRH and the second Tuesdays of every month in Denton County

5:30 - Prayer meeting
5:45 - $5 dinner while it lasts
6:30 - Meeting begins
8:00 - Meeting ends

We also have group dinners at various restaurants in the area on the 4th Tuesday of most months. Watch the calendar!
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