This is Tate Reeves.

John, under his watch, millions of dollars meant to help the poor went to his longtime personal trainer and other buddies.
When a veteran investigator got just a little too close to the governor’s buddies and campaign contributors — Tate fired the investigator and replaced him with a firm run by his campaign donors.
His corruption is only the tip of the iceberg, though. Tate consistently prioritizes special interests over issues that would actually help the people of our state — denying Medicaid expansion, leaving hospitals to shut down, and rejecting state funding for essential repairs to Jackson's water infrastructure.
This is Brandon Presley.

Brandon’s a fighter. He stands up for the little guy against special interests and isn't afraid to ruffle a few feathers to deliver results for the hardworking people and families of Mississippi.
Brandon is ready to build a Mississippi where we fight corruption, not embrace it. Serve working people and families, not special interests. And lead with strength, courage, and real backbone.
Brandon couldn’t be more different than Tate — but only one will lead the great state of Mississippi from the governor’s office after November’s election.
The choice for Mississippi’s future is crystal clear. Brandon is the fighter we need in our corner, but he needs our help to come out on top in November. Can we count on your donation (of any amount) before the end of today to defeat Tate Reeves?
Thanks for your support,
Team Brandon