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August 1st, 2019
This week in money-in-politics
Manafort-linked pro-Trump super PAC nearly out of cash

Less than three years after spending $21 million to support President Donald Trump in the 2016 election, Rebuilding America Now, a super PAC with deep ties to disgraced former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, appears to be all but finished.

Federal Election Commission filings seem to reveal a group on the verge of extinction, a far cry from the mighty organization that led then-candidate Trump to reconsider his vocal opposition to super PACs. The group’s decline comes on the heels of allegations of improper spending and illegal coordination with the Trump campaign, as well as a high-profile investigation into alleged foreign straw donors.

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Some 2020 Democrats are getting help from big money super PACs, even if they don’t want it

Just a handful of wealthy donors are providing some 2020 Democrats with financial support in the form of powerful super PACs, the unlimited spending groups that have drawn ire from Democrats eyeing the nomination. The super PACs have raised a combined $3.8 million.  Read more

Top Republican super PAC gets 2020 head start with ‘dark money’

A powerful Republican super PAC received nearly half of its 2019 from a dark money group that shares its Washington, D.C., office. The Congressional Leadership Fund raised $7.6 million during the first two quarters of 2019, according to filings. More than $3.5 million came from the American Action Network, a conservative 501(c)(4) established in 2010.  Read More

Debate rules drive 2020 Dems’ digital ad spending over $31 million

When 20 Democrats took to the debate stage in Detroit over two nights this week, it was, for some of them, the last chance at a national audience during this election cycle. The DNC has set a higher bar for the next round of debates in September. So far, only seven candidates can say that they have met both the polling and the donor criteria. Read More
Ukrainian oligarch and Michael Cohen attorney Lanny Davis cut ties as extradition looms

For nearly five years, Dmytro Firtash, a Ukrainian oligarch with alleged ties to organized crime and the Russian government, has been engaged in a fierce legal battle in Austria to beat bribery and racketeering charges and stave off extradition to the U.S.

At every step of the way, Lanny Davis, former special counsel to President Bill Clinton who made headlines for providing legal representation to longtime lawyer for President Donald Trump Michael Cohen, has fought alongside him. Department of Justice documents filed in accordance with the Foreign Agents Registration Act show Davis agreed to provide both legal and media aid as a foreign agent of the Ukrainian businessman.

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