This month at STOP THE TRAFFIK Group, we have been expanding our campaigns in Ukraine, Türkiye and Syria. At the same time, we have focused closely on new campaigns targeting Latin American individuals working in Poland and launching a County Lines campaign via our Pan London Project.

These intelligence-led prevention campaigns are running globally and all form a part of our wider mission to Imagine* a Future where people are not bought and sold.

Our goal of reaching 10 million people this year with those campaigns is in sight and that’s a huge testament to our wonderful partners and supporters around the world. For that, we would like to say a massive THANK YOU!

In the spirit of gratitude, we would also like to say thank you to Seyfarth Women’s Network who raised an incredible $19,517 for us by taking part in a global 5k challenge.

Additionally, we would like to say a massive thank you to Dow Jones employees who voted to donate $100k to STOP THE TRAFFIK Group!
We plan to use their donation to support the expansion of our global programmes that protect children and women from sexual exploitation with our proven model of preventing trafficking.
Finally, our 10FOR10 fundraising challenge is gathering momentum and we have been so humbled by the incredible endeavours you are all planning.

Pilar from Colombia is walking for three days across the Colombia Coffee Axis, Selina is taking on an extreme triathlon in Scotland, Alex took on a cold water swimming challenge and Helen is running 10km a day for 10 days!

For more information on our 10FOR10CHALLENGE and to get involved, please click here.

Every run, swim, jump, hike, bake, ride, headstand or climb brings us closer to our goal of preventing 10 million people from being trafficked.
Thank you for being a part of our journey.

Learn more about our work.
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