Everyone is asking. They are always asking.

Friends -

In a little over 24 hours, the polls close in New Hampshire.

And shortly after the results are called, everyone in the political establishment and corporate media is going to be asking about our fundraising numbers. They always ask.

They’ll want to know if our campaign has the resources to win, and voters will want to know which candidate has the strongest grassroots campaign to beat Trump.

This is especially important in light of the increased super PAC spending, expected attack ads if we do well, and the big fundraising numbers other candidates have shared since the debate.

And right now, we are a bit short of the numbers we’d like to be able to share, and we are hoping for A LOT more donations in these final 24 hours to close the gap.

Can you help Bernie?

Make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign before the New Hampshire primary comes to a close and help us post a number that will shock the political establishment and the corporate media.

There are no wealthy people hosting big fundraisers for this campaign. There’s no super PAC here. Whatever numbers we share are going to be because people like you contributed what you could as often as you could afford it.

Please know that means a lot to Bernie. Thank you.

In solidarity,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager