

I need to be blunt. It’s a terrifying time to be LGBTQIA in America. As determined as I am to celebrate Pride with my community, a dark cloud looms over us this year.


The legislative attacks on LGBTQ Americans have been escalating for years, but in 2023 it’s reached a whole new level.


A shocking 556 anti-trans bills have been introduced in 49 states in the first half of 2023 alone. These attacks are meant to silence our community and force us into the shadows, which is why a candidacy like mine is SO important. 


Our campaign is a clear and forceful rebuke against all who would discriminate against the LGBTQ community. Help me send the message that WE BELONG, and we deserve the same rights and liberties as every American.

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I’m running for every kid in every small town who feels like they have to live in silence because they don’t see anyone who looks like them in positions of leadership or public service.


And I’m running to fight against the ignorance and bigotry that has consumed the GOP.

A photo of a pride flag pin that says “It’s about time. David. Roth for Idaho dot org” held up in front of a spinning ferris wheel taken at the Eastern Idaho state fair.

As shocking as the numbers may be, the extremists peddling these hateful bills do NOT represent America. In fact, the *overwhelming majority* of Americans, including a clear majority of Republicans, support LGBTQ rights.


These radical right-wingers are losing, and they know it. That’s why they are so terrified of LGBTQIA people being seen and represented in any part of American life.


When I ran for Senate last year, I heard from parents of LGBTQ kids all across the country who shared heartbreaking stories of their children struggling with feeling unwelcome, unloved, and invisible. Over and over again I was told that their kids drew inspiration and strength from seeing an openly gay man run for federal office in a state like Idaho.


I got into this race to serve my community because Idaho is my home. It’s where I was raised and where I’ve chosen to raise my own sons. But knowing that kids across the country look to our campaign for encouragement and hope – that’s fuel that will keep me in the fight for a long, long time.


Sometimes I’m told that I talk about “the gay thing,” too much. I disagree.


The open assault on our fundamental freedoms means that it’s never been more important for people like me to not only speak up, but to run for office. Gay people exist. We deserve to be present in every public space. 


I’m running to show the nation and the world that even in so-called “red states,” LGBT people exist and we deserve a seat at the table where our voices can be heard at least as loudly as those who want us to disappear.




David Roth


David Roth is a single, gay dad running for Idaho’s Second Congressional District. We’re going up against a GOP incumbent who has been in this seat for almost 25 years. It’s time for change in Idaho, and our grassroots campaign is building on the momentum that began in David’s race for U.S. Senate last cycle. The GOP is not planning to defend this seat, so we plan to take it from them and help Democrats retake the House majority next year. We’d love your support to build a solid campaign to bring progress to Idaho and the country.

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Paid for by David Roth for Idaho

©2022 David Roth for Idaho, all rights reserved.


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David Roth for Idaho

2184 Channing Way #114

Idaho Falls, ID 83404


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