From Logan Bayroff, J Street <[email protected]>
Subject 🗞️ Street Talk: June 2023
Date June 4, 2023 5:22 PM
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[2]Street Talk: J Street's Monthly Newsletter


It’s been a big month.

The House released a J Street-supported letter of solidarity with Israel’s
pro-democracy protesters, the White House released its National Strategy
to Combat Antisemitism, and J Street released our first major political
endorsements of the 2024 cycle.

Meanwhile, Netanyahu’s far-right coalition continues to advance an
extreme, anti-democratic agenda – passing a budget filled with giveaways
to the far-right, the settlement movement and those who want to limit
religious pluralism and Palestinian freedom.

The pro-democracy movement in Israel continues to push back, with tens of
thousands of Israelis marching on the streets this weekend for the 22nd
week in a row.

With our Jewish, democratic values on the line in Israel and here at home,
J Street’s work as a pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy voice is more
important than ever. We have so much gratitude for our supporters –
including the thousands of folks who have contacted their members of
Congress and the White House in recent weeks with calls, emails and

Read more in our Street Talk newsletter below.

Logan Bayroff
VP of Communications, J Street

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48 House Members Send Message of Support to Israeli Protesters

48 Members of Congress released a powerful J Street-supported letter
commending Israeli protesters and opposing Netanyahu’s plans to “corrode
Israel’s democratic character” and “eviscerate the independence of the
Israeli judiciary.”

“We proudly stand with you, the Israeli non-violent, pro-democracy
movement, as you fight to preserve Israel’s democratic character,” [ [link removed] ]the
letter reads. Thousands of J Street supporters called and emailed
representatives encouraging them to sign on.

Importantly, the letter recognizes that those pushing for the judicial
legislation are seeking a freer hand to pursue other anti-democratic
policies, including demolitions, settlements and annexation. Weakening the
Supreme Court will “render it unable to constrain further entrenchment of
the occupation of the West Bank,” the letter notes. The letter received
coverage in [ [link removed] ]The Hill, [ [link removed] ]Haaretz, [ [link removed] ]The Times of Israel and other

To sustain our advocacy as we press Congress and the White House to be
clear-eyed about how Netanyahu’s agenda threatens Israel’s democratic
future and Palestinian rights and freedoms, please consider setting a
monthly donation to support J Street’s work.

[ [link removed] ]Hit 'Make it Monthly' to set a sustaining monthly donation >>

JStreetPAC Kicks Off 2024 Cycle with Major Endorsements

J Street’s political fundraising arm kicked off the 2024 cycle with two
major endorsements: Re-endorsing Joe Biden for President and backing Colin
Allred in his campaign to defeat Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

“We’re thrilled to be supporting President Biden’s campaign once again and
to be day-one backers of Colin Allred’s campaign,” said National Political
Director Tali DeGroot. “We’re all-in on the fight to defeat MAGA
extremism. We need leaders like Colin Allred and President Biden in
Washington fighting for our values, our priorities and backing
diplomacy-first American leadership.”

Congressman Allred shot to prominence in 2018, unseating a 20-year
conservative. He’s visited Israel and the West Bank as part of J Street's
Len Hill Education Program and has championed freedom, democracy and
diplomacy-first leadership in the House. 

“With his statewide profile, proven campaign skills and the changing
demographics of Texas voters, Allred is well positioned to take on Senator
Cruz next year, and we’re excited to be a part of that,” DeGroot said.

The full force of donations via JStreetPAC are passed through to
campaigns, with lower processing fees than sites like ActBlue. By pooling
donations, supporters send a powerful message to Washington about our
shared values and priorities. 

[ [link removed] ]Learn how JStreetPAC can amplify your giving >>

J Street Applauds President Biden’s National Antisemitism Strategy

J Street welcomed President Biden’s National Strategy for Combating
Antisemitism. The strategy is comprehensive, inclusive and focused on
action to dismantle the machinery of division and hate that endangers so
many Jewish Americans and others. We were pleased to be one of the many
groups providing input and advice during the strategy's development.

The well-rounded strategy outlines over 100 actions, including annual
assessments of antisemitic extremism by the FBI and National
Counter-Terrorism Center, a Jewish history and antisemitism educational
campaign for students, and a detailed report on the role of social media
in fostering antisemitic hate crimes and harassment.

Importantly, the strategy refrains from adopting a singular definition of
antisemitism, judiciously referencing the International Holocaust
Remembrance Alliance and The Nexus Document as useful tools to comprehend
and combat antisemitism. Some in the Jewish community, and within the
Israeli government, had pressed for political debate over Israel to be a
central focus of the strategy. 

At J Street, we know that criticism of Israel can come from many
motivations, and accountability is crucial in cases of antisemitism.
However, misdirecting the fight against antisemitism to focus
predominantly on criticism of Israel is wrongheaded. Dangerous,
radicalizing right-wing voices continue to use antisemitism to conjure
conspiracy theories, spread resentment and build their followings – we
must recognize the reality of this driving force behind the surge in
antisemitism if we are to effectively push back.

[ [link removed] ]Read the National Strategy for Combating Antisemitism >>

Acknowledging the Palestinian Experience of ‘Nakba’, Advancing Mutual Respect

For Israel’s supporters around the world, the 75th anniversary of Israeli
independence has been cause for pride and celebration. At the same time,
we know that for Palestinians, Israel’s founding marks a period of
displacement, pain and injustice.

Nakba Day, commemorated in May, recalls the violence and displacement that
led an estimated 700,000 Palestinians to flee their homes in 1948. In a
reflection on what it means for supporters of Israel to respect
Palestinian commemoration of the Nakba, J Street’s president Jeremy
Ben-Ami wrote, “To resolve this tragic conflict, both peoples will need to
understand the narrative of the other, their history of pain and their
connection to the same land.”

“All Palestinians will, I hope, one day acknowledge the Jewish people’s
meaningful and deep connection to the land of Israel,” he wrote, “and all
Jews will, I hope, one day acknowledge the Palestinian connection to the
land and understand why they regard 1948 as a catastrophe.” 

J Street [ [link removed] ]strongly condemned a Nakba Day speech by Palestinian Authority
President Mahmoud Abbas which included outlandish and offensive claims
designed to provoke Jews and Israelis. We also rejected House Speaker
Kevin McCarthy’s decision to try to block a Nakba commemoration event on
Capitol Hill – which ultimately took place thanks to the backing of
Senator Bernie Sanders.

“Jewish leaders and organizations should pause before celebrating when
politicians like Kevin McCarthy silence pro-Palestinian voices,” Jeremy
wrote. “Too many politicians on the American right today are representing
and appealing to a populist base whose politics are grounded in white
nationalism and antisemitism. These are people manifestly opposed to the
interests of the Jewish community in America.”

[ [link removed] ]Read and share the full post >>

Israel Update: Netanyahu Presses Forward with Anti-Democratic Agenda

This weekend, tens of thousands of pro-democracy protesters are marching
for the 22nd straight week against the government’s ongoing
anti-democratic “reforms.” Last week, they had a clear message for those
of us abroad, unfurling a massive Netanyahu banner in English: “Don’t let
him destroy Israel.”

Earlier in May, Netanyahu passed a two-year budget last week packed with
far-right giveaways. It significantly boosts settlement funding and
creates a new ‘Jewish National Identity Authority’ to be run by Avi Maoz,
an extremist Member of Knesset who has said liberal, reform and secular
Jews bring “darkness” to “real Judaism.”

Netanyahu’s coalition is also proposing a range of anti-democratic
legislation, including claiming more land in the West Bank, banning
Palestinian flags from college campuses and punitively taxing US and
international donations to human rights groups and NGOs. Following outcry,
several initiatives have been paused. “International pressure is limiting
Netanyahu’s room to maneuver in the Knesset,” [ [link removed] ]noted Haaretz.

With Netanyahu and his far-right allies continuing to press forward,
strong US pushback remains critically important. J Street is doing all we
can to make sure this is a priority in Washington, pressing Congress and
the White House to draw clear red lines and maintain pressure. If we step
back now, the far-right is all too ready to press forward. 

None of our work would be possible without thousands of supporters from
all backgrounds and all across the country chipping in to fight for our
shared values and press toward a better future.

[ [link removed] ]Please consider a contribution today to help sustain our work >>

Must Read

* [ [link removed] ]Ending the forever war in Gaza means looking at how it really began

* [ [link removed] ]For a secure, democratic Israel, the only way is separation from the

Must Listen

* [ [link removed] ]DEBATE: Jeremy Ben-Ami and Caroline Glick on the Netanyahu

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Š 2023 J Street | [ [link removed] ] | [email protected]

J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy
Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the
Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we
advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish
and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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