Hi there,
It's an election year, and health care is going to be one of the issues that defines this campaign season. That means we have to be prepared for whatever the months ahead bring.
Remember: Your voice is powerful. It can help put leaders into office, and it can shape the conversation around health care. That's why we need your voice right now to help set the plan for the upcoming year.
Here are the health care issues we're tracking for 2020. Which one is your biggest priority?
With health care at the center of the national conversation, we have to be prepared to protect all the progress we've made. But 2020 is an opportunity, as well.
It's a chance to grow this community of voices — to motivate more people like you to be part of this work.
It's a moment when we can make a clear argument to policymakers about the importance of these issues — while they're focused on speaking to the concerns of voters.
So will you help us move forward by sharing the issues that matter most to you and your community?
Help set the health care agenda for 2020. You can start by selecting your top priority from the options above!
Thank you,
Coalition to Protect America's Health Care