Modern Collection

Senator Anthony Portantino never met an anti-gun bill he didn’t like. His latest waste of time will not only convolute the gun buying process, it will cost the state money in bureaucratic red tape and won’t save a single life. He has introduced a bill to require DOJ and gun retailers to scrutinize the validity of hunting licenses issued for people under 21 before they can buy a gun. Sheer stupidity on display!

GOC’s Sam Paredes is the media’s go-to guy for comments on gun issues; read his comments below from the Sacramento Bee, AP and Fox 40 News:

“It’s going to be a Charlie Foxtrot of the first order…you’re now asking the DOJ, which has a history of bungling databases and juggling databases that do not speak to each other, to hire personnel that can make everything work together,” Paredes said. “And you’re going to add by necessity the California Department of Fish and Wildlife into it in order to verify the hunting licenses because they’re the ones that maintain that database. We envision a coordination nightmare.”

And then there are all those goofy presidential candidates – talking as if they know anything about either the Constitution or the 2nd Amendment. Between Bloomberg paying people to say nice things about him and Biden talking “hellfire missiles”, it’s clear that none of the Democrat candidates are friends to America’s gun owners. 

AND WHAT ABOUT YOUR STATE ASSEMBLY AND SENATE CANDIDATES? Do they support the 2nd Amendment and the Constitution? Check out GOC's ELECTION EYE SCORECARD HERE. Before you vote, see exactly who is going to work with us - or against us.


Warren Wants to Up Ammo Prices to Protect Minority Communities and Women | Townhall

Her elitist mentality seriously misses the mark.

Bloomberg Enjoys Armed Guards But Fights to Disarm Americans | Breitbart

Can anyone spell “hypocrite?”

Biden Talks About Using “Hellfire Missiles” Against Gun Owners | Bearing Arms

If we want to go against the government, we’ll need more than an AK 47.

Bloomberg Announces $60 Million Spending Plan For 2020 Elections | Washington Post

The guy has money to burn fighting against the 2A.

Bernie Sanders: Admits ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Is Just the Start | Breitbart

At least he’s honest that he wants our guns.

The Most Recent Unconstitutional Attack on Gun Owners | National Review

America’s First Freedom author hones in on the mess in Virginia.

VA is Going Full-On Towards Gun Confiscation | Breitbart

Police refuse to rule-out door-to-door enforcement of suppressor ban.

Bloomberg Will Pay You $150 To Say Nice Things About Him |The Guardian

He wants Instagram influencers to make him seem cool.

Are Democrats Drifting Further Left on Guns? | Bearing Arms

Gun control is abuzz as Dem candidates battle to take down Trump. 

6-Year-Old Girl With Down Syndrome Makes Finger-Gun Gesture | Daily Caller

And the school decides to involve law enforcement.

Criminal Justice Reform’ Traced to Seven Horrific Chicago Crimes | Truth About Guns

Reform is one thing, but early release is a problem.
