Fellow American,
Since 2020, Joe Biden and the Democrats have ignored the will of the people to pass unprecedented TRILLIONS in new spending for their liberal special interest agenda… …Their reckless use of taxpayer dollars and their left wing priorities are destroying our savings, crushing our stock portfolios, and wiping out the value of our earnings. Have you been following the news out of Washington, D.C. surrounding the “debt ceiling” and the debate over more massive, debt-fueled federal spending? We are finally getting to shine a spotlight on the critically important question of our country’s economic situation -- and the direction we should be taking as a nation. But the Debt Ceiling deal is just a band-aid, a short-term claw-back of some of the Democrats’ wasteful spending. To permanently change the direction of our nation – to literally SAVE our country from liberals who are spending us into a depression – We need to elect a Republican Senate Majority that can give a new Republican President and our Republican House Majority the leverage to pass meaningful reforms and spending cuts.
That’s why the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), is reaching out to grassroots conservatives like you for your input on how the policies of the Biden-Democrats have affected you, your family and your community. Please take just a few moments right now to complete our 2023 Biden Economic Impact Survey and let us know where you stand on the budget, spending, taxes and the national debt. Fellow American, as you well know, Joe Biden and the Democrats have embarked on an unprecedented course of deficit spending when they had control of both Chambers of Congress and the White House in 2020-2022.
The Democrats seized upon the confusion and urgency of 2020 Covid-19 response to try to “normalize” emergency spending, seeing it as an opportunity to shower their leftist special interests with an astounding multi-trillion dollar spending spree that brought the highest inflation rates in 40 years, wiping out years of retirement savings for millions of Americans and driving up the cost of living. Where do YOU Stand on the Biden Democrats’ Spending and Debt? Take the Biden Economic Impact Survey and Let Us Know NOW! Fellow American, we need to know where conservatives stand on pivotal questions of spending and debt so we can best help our GOP Senate candidates form effective, aggressive campaign messages that rally voters behind them. By working together, we can erase the Chuck Schumer Democrats’ narrow one-seat advantage in the U.S. Senate and elect Republicans to the Senate to form a new Republican Majority that listens to the people and fights for your interests. That’s why we’re counting on you to take just a few moments to answer some critically important questions -- and provide your views on the budgetary battle. When you take just a few moments to complete our quick Biden Economic Impact Survey your views will serve to represent concerns in your state and locality -- invaluable grassroots-level input that takes the “political” temperature where you live. So please don’t hesitate, Fellow American, take our brief Biden Economic Impact Survey now, and after you do, please go even further with your support of our fight to win a crucial new GOP Senate Majority adding a difference-making contribution as well! Thank you, Fellow American -- we hope to hear from you today!
Sincerely, Senate Republicans
Paid for by the NRSC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. www.NRSC.org |