The fight to defend our democracy continues. Protect the Investigation
So --
For the first time in history, the Senate cast a bipartisan vote to convict the president of high crimes and misdemeanors.
While president Trump was not removed from office, this vote marks a major moment in history. Democrats and Republicans across the country took a firm stand to say in unison: The president is not above the law.
As Senator Mitt Romney put it in his compelling remarks denouncing Trump’s abuse of power, “The Constitution is at the foundation of our Republic’s success, and we each strive not to lose sight of our promise to defend it.”
That is the task that we promise to keep fighting for: defending our country, our constitution, and our democracy. And so our work does not end with this vote.
To all who were motivated to take action, some for the very first time: Thank you for making your voice heard. Your calls and messages made a difference.
American democracy might be wounded, but if you believe in protecting what is foundational to our country, keep pushing -- we’ll be right here alongside you.
We’ll be back with more to share soon.
Thank you again --
The Protect the Investigation Team


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