Kevin McCarthy recently went on FOX News to announce his plan to create a commission to cut Social Security and Medicare behind closed doors.
McCarthy claimed that the commission will be “bipartisan, on both sides of the aisle.” But that won’t happen unless Democrats cooperate. We need to make sure that Democrats stand united to stop McCarthy’s commission.
Join us in calling on every single Democrat in Congress to boycott McCarthy’s Social Security cutting commission.
Republicans want nothing more than to go behind closed doors with Democrats and emerge with Social Security cuts. That way, voters won’t know who to blame.
This scheme relies on finding at least one Democrat who is willing to play along. If Democrats stand united and refuse to go behind closed doors, the commission will fail.
Democrats must make it clear that they are only willing to debate Social Security’s future in the sunlight. Then, they can contrast Democratic plans to expand Social Security with Republican plans to cut it—and let the American people decide.
Tell Democrats: Stand united and refuse to serve on Kevin McCarthy’s closed-door Social Security cutting commission.
Alex Lawson Social Security Works