Congress prevented a disastrous default on our nation’s debt this week. At the same time, House Republicans forced President Biden and Senate Democrats to accept multi-trillion dollar restraints on their addiction to deficit spending.

There were essentially three choices here. First was to default. Second was to allow a clean debt limit increase with no conditions. Third was a deal that accepted a debt limit increase in exchange for historic deficit reduction measures.The bill was far from perfect, but options one and two were wholly unacceptable. I took the least bad option and voted for the deal.

We scored some notable wins with this bill, which will:
  • Reduce the federal debt by $2.1 trillion over six years compared to current law.
  • Slash $400 million from the CDC “Global Health Fund” that sends taxpayer money to China; and cut billions in other wasteful, redundant, or unnecessary programs for the largest total rescissions package in history. 
  • Nix this year’s total funding request for new IRS agents who would have been unleashed on middle class taxpayers by the Biden Administration.
  • Accelerate pro-growth infrastructure and energy projects and cut costs with the first significant permitting reform to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in forty years. Radical environments have abused NEPA to cause endless delays on projects needed to strengthen our economy.
  • Ensure full funding for critical veterans’ programs and national defense priorities, while protecting Social Security and Medicare.
The fact is, we should have never been in this position to begin with, and that’s the real travesty. Spending in Washington has run amok and this law begins the long-overdue process to put an end to the spending insanity that endangers our economy and national security.