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President Trump neeeds our help NOW more than ever!


Fellow Patriot,


Now that America has exposed the impeachment SHAM once and for all, Democrats are desperate.

Like wounded animals, they're lashing out with no recourse and no regard for American values.

Make no mistake - this is the fight of our lifetime!

President Trump's full exoneration from impeachment has made the left so fuming mad, that they no longer care about rules... or even the law.

I just received word from boots on the ground in Washington that they're now launching the first stages of their next attack... and it's not looking good.

They have one mission, and one mission alone: The Destruction of Donald J. Trump.

So right now Im calling on all my fellow Patriots to band together in solidarity behind our President - we must make our position LOUD AND CLEAR - WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN!

Will you pitch in with an urgent donation today and join i nthe fight to help Defend Trump?

This is going to take all of us in solidarity - we're running out of time.

And because this is such a critical mission, I'm personally authorizing our most loyal supporters to receive FREE commemorative Trump Coins with today's donation!



 Help push Trump to Victory!


Make a gift of at least $20 >> 1 FREE coin


Make a gift of at least $35 >> 2 FREE coins


Make a gift of at least $75 >> 5 FREE coins


Make a gift of at least $150 >> 10 FREE coins


Simple. President Trump has been under relentless attack by the Democrats and the Leftist media for three years straight


…so we’ve taken it upon ourselves to help mount a groundswell of patriot support to push him over

the edge to victory!


To Victory,


Steve Eichler,
CEO, Trump Victory Fund


P.S.- Inventory is running VERY low already on this gold collectible Keep America Great coin - these aren't going to last long!


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