CNN: Social media presents ‘profound risk of harm’ for kids, surgeon general says, calling attention to lack of research

[The Surgeon General's] advisory notes that although there are some benefits, social media use presents “a profound risk of harm” for kids. It calls for increased research into social media’s impact on youth mental health, as well as action from policymakers and technology companies . . . 

For too long, we have placed the entire burden of managing social media on the shoulders of parents and kids, despite the fact that these platforms are designed by some of the most talented engineers and designers in the world to maximize the amount of time that our kids spend on them,” [Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy] said. “So that is not a fair fight. It’s time for us to have the backs of parents and kids.

Read more here

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If you give now or by June 30th, your tax-deductible gift will be DOUBLED by a $50,000 matching grant, offered by one of our generous partners! One gift = 2x the impact! 

Please take advantage of this limited time opportunity. Every dollar will go towards high-impact efforts to expose, combat, and prevent sexual abuse and exploitation. 

“La Bestia:” Sexual Violence Against Latin American Immigrant Women

Nineteen-year-old Marta* crouched on top of the freight train, her ponytail whipping in the wind as the ground passed underneath her in a dizzying blur. 

She nervously eyed the three men making their way down the train towards her. One of them made eye contact and leered at her. She looked away quickly, pretending not to see. Hoping they’d leave her alone.

Before Marta had left Honduras, her aunt had warned her about men on La Bestia. “Let them do whatever they want to you, or they’ll push you off the train,” Tía Belén had told her . . . 

Read more. 

*Marta’s story is a composite story, based on common survivor experiences

CBN: These 'Dirty Dozen' Big Tech Companies Put Your Children at Risk for Grooming, Sexual Exploitation

"Oftentimes these are platforms that we use every day and might not realize they have policies that enable sexual harm," NCOSE Vice President Haley McNamara told CBN News. . . 
"Some of these are on for issues like easy access of adults to children which results in grooming and sexual abuse," explained McNamara. "One that might be particularly applicable to parents and surprising would be the video game and platform Roblox which is used by millions and millions of children around the world."  

"And unfortunately, it's very easy for predators to gain access to children on that platform. Other platforms are social media focused, such as Reddit and Twitter, where unfortunately there's a large amount of child sexual abuse material or adult non-consensual sharing of material."

Read or watch CBN's interview with Haley McNamara here.

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