I’m just going to come right out and say it, friend:
We came up short of our first monthly fundraising goal.
Not by a lot, but in a hotly contested race like this, every single dollar we don’t raise could be one more voter we don’t reach with our Maryland-first message.
After such a strong start to our campaign, falling even a little bit short isn’t the start we were hoping for — but I’m a solution-oriented person, so I’m already laser-focused on figuring out how we make up ground.
The simple solution is to absolutely blow the doors off our June fundraising goal, so I’m hoping you’ll help me get started.
Can I count on you to help us begin June with a big boost by chipping in $25 right away? A huge show of support today would help us recapture the momentum we need to win, team.
If we can pick ourselves up and refocus, I’m confident that we can overcome this and any other challenge we face.
Thank you,
Angela Alsobrooks