Dear John,

Finally, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) has been ratified by three-fourths of the states needed to enshrine it in the U.S. Constitution.  Last month, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the ERA.

Now it’s time to remove the arbitrary timeline in the preamble to the Equal Rights Amendment!

There’s more good news.  This Thursday, members of the U.S. House will vote on a resolution to remove the arbitrary timeline. The timeline is not in the actual text of the amendment itself, and therefore we—and many Constitutional law scholars—believe it is not binding. Join us today in demanding that Congress remove the arbitrary timeline.

Let your Congressperson know: there’s no time limit on equality!

Enshrining equality in the U.S. Constitution is of the utmost importance for our mothers, our daughters, our sisters, and every woman and girl who are too often cheated by sex discrimination. We must finish the job and put equality on the basis of sex in the highest law of the land!

Tell Congress that it’s time to remove the arbitrary timeline in the preamble to the ERA!

For Equality,

Ellie Smeal
President of the Feminist Majority Foundation 


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