
In a new statement from CBPP President Robert Greenstein, he says:

"In the face of a bitterly divided country that needs healing, President Trump today threw gasoline on the fire by releasing a stunningly harsh budget that would tear us further apart.

It would push tens of millions of less fortunate Americans into or deeper into poverty and cause widespread hardship even as it doubles down on tax cuts for the most well-off. It would take health coverage away from millions of people and cut aid to millions of families and individuals struggling to make ends meet.

Its budget and tax policies would further widen inequality and racial disparities; the budget would make permanent the 2017 tax law’s tax cuts for individuals, which are heavily weighted toward the top."

The President’s budget shows us his priorities for this year, and if he’s re-elected, years after that.

Read the Statement
  Download the PDF (2pp)

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Contact: Caroline Anderson-Gray, 202-408-1080, Director of Digital Strategy
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