
Earlier this week, I stood up and voted “NO” on the negotiated debt limit increase -- and I want you to know why…

Over a month ago, Republicans came together and voted for the Limit, Save, Grow Act (LSG Act) to address the debt ceiling and prevent the United States from defaulting on our loans. The LSG Act responsibly raised the debt ceiling while making the largest cuts in discretionary spending in our country's history. 

North Texans are being crushed by inflation and have demanded the Federal Government reduce spending. Our original bill brought spending back to pre-pandemic levels and delivered meaningful reforms to get able-bodied Americans back to work rather than having the government pay them to stay home. It also mandated the expansion of American energy development to not only lower costs and fight inflation, but also to deliver a manufacturing resurgence we so desperately need to help lift people into well-paying, middle class careers. 

But for almost a month, Joe Biden refused to come to the table and negotiate with House Republicans. He waited until the last minute and cobbled together a deal that looked nothing like the original LSG Act. 

In the run up to the vote on Wednesday night, I heard from hundreds of you. And the overwhelming message was to vote against the negotiated bill because it did not make meaningful cuts in a bloated, pandemic-era federal budget, and I AGREE!

I went to Washington to fight for North Texas, and I take it very seriously. I will not stand by and watch as our federal government expands its power while increasing financial burdens on North Texans and the American people. 

I’m not here to “go along to get along.” 

We need true reform if we’re going to cut spending and reduce the size of government to give future generations of Americans the country they deserve. I’ll be continuing to fight in Congress, and I hope you’ll join me.


Thanks for fighting with me,

Beth Van Duyne