Dear Friend,

This week, as hardworking American families struggled with high prices and historic inflation, Congress voted to add almost $4 trillion dollars to our national debt.  

I voted NO.

Maryland families and the voters in my district didn't send me to Washington to write blank checks for the federal government--they sent me to Congress to permanently change the way Washington does business and this includes getting our fiscal house in order. 


Should the federal government add more to the national debt?

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 I have always believed that if we raise the debt ceiling by a dollar, we should reduce spending by a dollar. It would be irresponsible, and the majority of Americans agree, to raise the debt ceiling without controlling the runaway, wasteful federal spending that is causing harmful inflation. 

It's time for the federal government to spend within its means -- the future of children and grandchildren depend on it. 


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Andy Harris M.D.
Member of Congress

Sent by the Office of Congressman Harris.

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