Mary Gay Scanlon for Congress

John, I want to thank you for your support during this week’s deadline. Your donations are making an impact — I appreciate your support.

June is LGBTQIA+ Pride month, a season of celebration that must be matched with a season of hard work. The current climate is dangerous, with increasing violence against trans individuals, we must use our voices to amplify and protect the LGBTQIA+ community.

John: I am actively working to expand federal protections for LGBTQIA+ Americans, especially trans children, who are the unfortunate target of new anti-LGBT legislation. This work is also personal for me – my little sister came out to me over forty years ago.

Join me in standing with LGBTQIA+ Americans and add your name to instantly show your support this Pride month.
  • Since I joined Congress in 2018, I have been a member of the Equality Caucus because it is my responsibility to serve all Americans with equal respect.

  • In addition to our work on the Equality Caucus, I have co-sponsored the Do No Harm Act, which would finally protect members of the LGBTQIA+ community from the harms of religious-based discrimination.

  • In 2019, I wasted no time reintroducing the Equality Act that would guarantee LGBTQIA+ Pennsylvanians and Americans across the country cannot be discriminated against based on who they are and whom they love.

  • Our campaign is proudly endorsed by the Human Rights Campaign and Liberty City LGBTQ Democratic Club. The greater Philadelphia region has a rich and prominent LGBTQ history, and it is my honor to have their support.
There is more to be done to protect LGBTQIA+ people, and I am working every day to do my part — you can join me by instantly adding your name.

Thank you and I hope you have a safe and celebratory Pride!

Mary Gay

Mary Gay Scanlon



Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon is a life-long advocate for children and families. In November 2018, she was sworn into Congress following a special election victory – the first woman of the new wave of representation to be sworn in. 
Now, help keep her in office by donating now.

Paid for by Scanlon For Congress

Scanlon For Congress
PO Box 263
Swarthmore, PA 19081
United States

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