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*May 2023*
BJS publication
BJS releases 2022 statistics on persons held in Indian country jails [ [link removed] ]
A new BJS report, "Jails in Indian Country, 2022", provides statistics from BJS?s Annual Survey of Jails in Indian Country on the demographic characteristics, most serious offense, and conviction status of persons held in Indian country jails. It also describes facility characteristics (e.g., capacity and staffing) and trends in admissions and overall jail population.
A total of 2,250 persons were held in 80 Indian country jails at midyear 2022, a 3% increase from the 2,180 persons held in 80 facilities at midyear 2021. This marks the second consecutive annual increase in the midyear jail population since it peaked in 2019 (at 2,890 persons) and declined rapidly in 2020 (to 2,020 persons) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read the Press Release [ [link removed] ]
Read the Full Report [ [link removed] ]
just the stats header
"Female Recruits in Law Enforcement Training Academies, 2018 [ [link removed] ]"
This brief Just the Stats report presents statistics on female recruits in law enforcement training academies. It includes the percentage of recruits who started and completed basic training who were female, by state and by type of academy. Findings are from BJS?s 2018 Census of Law Enforcement Training Academies, which gathered information from state and local academies responsible for administering mandatory basic training to newly appointed or elected law enforcement officers.
Read the Full Report [ [link removed] ]
BJS solicitation
FY 2023 Census of Jails 2024 solicitation [ [link removed] ]
BJS seeks applications for funding to develop a web-based survey to collect 2024 Census of Jails data from approximately 2,900 local jails and to process and deliver the data to BJS. This program gathers critical criminal justice data from local jails and federal detention facilities and provides these data to support innovative strategies to handle the challenges confronting the criminal justice system.
Applications will be submitted in a two-step process, each with its own deadline:
* Step 1: Submit an SF-424 and an SF-LLL in [ [link removed] ]. * forms are due on July 25, 2023, by 8:59 p.m. ET.*
* Step 2*:* Submit the full application including attachments in [ [link removed] ]. *The full JustGrants application is due on August 1, 2023, by 8:59 p.m. ET.
Apply Now [ [link removed] ]
BJS solicitation
FY 2023 Campus Climate Survey solicitation [ [link removed] ]
BJS seeks applications for funding to develop a survey instrument regarding postsecondary student experiences with domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and stalking.
Applications will be submitted in a two-step process, each with its own deadline:
* Step 1: Submit an SF-424 and an SF-LLL in [ [link removed] ]. * forms are due on July 25, 2023, by 8:59 p.m. ET.*
* Step 2*:* Submit the full application including attachments in [ [link removed] ]. *The full JustGrants application is due on August 1, 2023, by 8:59 p.m. ET.
Apply Now [ [link removed] ]
BJS announcement
"Equity and Law Enforcement Data Collection, Use, and Transparency [ [link removed] ]"
The report to the President on "Equity and Law Enforcement Data Collection, Use, and Transparency [ [link removed] ]" sheds light on the status of policing data nationwide and recommends five actions to advance data on the full range of law enforcement activities. These data include information on calls for service, searches, stops, frisks, arrests, complaints, law enforcement demographics, and civil asset forfeiture. The Criminal Justice Statistics Interagency Working Group produced the report; BJS Director Alex Piquero is a co-chair.
On June 6, 2023, 1?2 p.m. ET, BJS will host a webinar [ [link removed] ] to provide the first public briefing on the report to the President on "Equity and Law Enforcement Data Collection, Use, and Transparency" [ [link removed] ]".
Read the Report [ [link removed] ]
Register for the Webinar [ [link removed] ]
BJS announcement
New Chief for Reentry, Recidivism, and Special Projects Unit, Rachel Hansen [ [link removed] ]
BJS is pleased to announce Rachel Hansen as the new chief of its Reentry, Recidivism, and Special Projects Unit. Rachel has over 12 years of experience managing large-scale, federal data collections at the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). For the past two years, she led the School Pulse Panel, an innovative monthly data collection producing real-time, quick-turnaround statistics on the K-12 education response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read the Full Announcement [ [link removed] ]
BJS data collection
2018 dataset now available from the Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies [ [link removed] ]
BJS has released the dataset from the 2018 Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies (CSLLEA) through the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data. The CSLLEA serves as a complete enumeration of law enforcement agencies in the United States and collects information on government authority, budget, functions, and personnel.?
The CSLLEA collects information from all law enforcement agencies that employ at least one full-time equivalent sworn officer with general arrest powers and are operated by state and local governments.?
Access the Dataset [ [link removed] ]
BJS data collection
Dataset now available: Annual Survey of Jails in Indian Country, 2022 [ [link removed] ]
BJS has released the 2022 Annual Survey of Jails in Indian Country dataset through the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data. This survey collects data on all known adult and juvenile facilities (such as jails, confinement facilities, detention centers, and other correctional facilities) operated by tribal authorities or the Bureau of Indian Affairs. It provides estimates of?
* the number of adults and juveniles held in Indian country jails
* jail facilities? average daily population
* admissions and releases in June
* number of persons employed in Indian country jails.
Access the Dataset [ [link removed] ]
BJS data collection
Mortality in Correctional Institutions: ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes for Natural Deaths Occurring in State Prison or Local Jail Custody, 2000?2019 data collection [ [link removed] ]
BJS has released new data from the Mortality in Correctional Institutions (MCI) data collection through the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD). The new data are archived at the restricted-use level, meaning they will be more widely available to researchers for use in public health and criminal justice studies compared to the original MCI data which are archived in the NACJD physical enclave.
BJS constructed the new dataset to allow adjustments for demographic differences between incarcerated and non-incarcerated populations so direct comparisons in mortality rates can be made. The data consist of one record for each death in local jails from 2000 to 2019 and state prisons from 2001 to 2019, and they contain up to five standard medical diagnosis codes for the cause of death. Additional variables include sex, race/Hispanic origin, recoded age at death, state and year of death, recoded time served since admission to prison or jail, and general information on medical treatment provided around the time of death.
Access the Dataset [ [link removed] ]
BJS data collection
2020 dataset now available from the Census of Federal Law Enforcement Officers [ [link removed] ]
BJS has released the dataset from the 2020 Census of Federal Law Enforcement Officers (CFLEO) through the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data. The CFLEO collects information on the number of officers, their demographic characteristics, and their job functions, as well as hires and separations, hiring practices, and policies regarding equipment at federal law enforcement agencies.
The CFLEO collects information from every federal law enforcement agency, excluding the U.S. Armed Forces, federal officers stationed in foreign countries, and selected agencies due to security concerns.
Access the Dataset [ [link removed] ]
BJS conference
Team BJS attended and presented at the following conferences:
* President?s Advisory Commission on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics inaugural meeting
* 2023 American Association for Public Opinion Research annual conference
* American Jail Association Annual Training Conference and Jail Expo
* National Institute of Justice, National Research Conference ? Evidence to Action
* Approaches to Sharing Blended Data in a 21st Century Data Infrastructure public workshop
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