USCCB Alert: Call to Action
The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was passed by Congress in 1972, with the stated purpose of enshrining equality between the sexes in our Constitution. However, it failed to be ratified by three-fourths of the states (38) within the 7-year time limit established by Congress. Now, abortion activists in Congress, among others, are trying to revive it by passing a resolution (H.J. Res. 79) to eliminate the deadline for ratification by the states. The House plans to vote this Thursday and needs to hear from you now!

Catholic social teaching, and recent popes, speak very clearly and strongly about the equality of men and women based upon their equal dignity as children of God. And the Church recognizes the need to do more to address unjust inequities between women and men. However, the ERA in its current form poses very serious consequences, including likely requiring federal funding for abortions, and overturning pro-life and conscience protection laws. More information about the ERA and its consequences is presented in this fact sheet.
Because of these serious consequences, the Bishops are urging members to oppose the ERA in its current form, and to vote “no” on H.J.Res.79. Please join the bishops and contact your member today!
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