2 June 2023


Revealed: the ICSs that refused to set breakeven plans

Vape crusader calls on global plastics leaders in Paris to order crackdown on disposables

Links of the week

The Lancet: The 20th anniversary of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: hard won progress amid evolving challenges

Question Time: Should vapes be banned, unless prescribed by a professional?

OHID report: Understanding the drivers of healthy life expectancy

Youth vaping: call for evidence

NHSE: Saving Babies’ Lives Version Three


Revealed: the ICSs that refused to set breakeven plans

More than half the integrated care systems in the north of England have failed to agree a balanced financial plan, HSJ has learned.

The ICSs for Cheshire and Merseyside, Lancashire and South Cumbria, North East and North Cumbria, and Humber and North Yorkshire have all set deficit plans for 2023-24. The other three northern systems have agreed breakeven plans with NHS England.

Nationally, 15 out of 42 systems have planned for a deficit, despite NHSE stressing they have a legal duty to plan and deliver a balanced budget. ICS plans combine those of trusts and integrated care boards within each system.

It follows months of pressure from NHSE to reduce the number of systems planning deficits, after an earlier round of the process projected a national overspend of £3bn. The combined national plan is now for a deficit of around £650m.

The Midlands and South East also have a large number of ICSs that were unable to set balanced plans.

Analysis of board papers shows how inflation is driving financial pressures, with systems warning costs are continuing to rise faster than available funding, even after NHSE provided extra support to some areas.

Source: HSJ, 2 June 2023

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Vape crusader calls on global plastics leaders in Paris to order crackdown on disposables

Scots vape crusader Laura Young has urged world leaders to crack down on disposable e-cigs amid global plastic pollution talks in Paris.

The activist and PhD student - known for raising awareness of the litter blight from vapes - said a "unified" effort was needed to tackle the issue worldwide. A UN conference is ongoing in the French capital this week, bidding to make headway on a global treaty planned by the end of 2024 to stamp out plastic waste once and for all.

It comes after the WWF last month urged countries to include single-use vapes as part of a list of “high-risk” products that should be banned immediately to stem pollution. Australia recently launched a full-scale prohibition of all non-prescription vapes - while the EU wants to outlaw disposable products by the end of 2026.

In Scotland, 21 of Scotland’s 32 councils have backed a national ban on single-use e-cigs which is being considered by Holyrood ministers as part of an urgent review.

Source: Daily Record, 2 June 2023

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Links of the week

The Lancet: The 20th anniversary of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: hard won progress amid evolving challenges

World No Tobacco Day on May 31, 2023, marks the 20th anniversary of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). Adopted in May, 2003, member states committed to stem an alarming rise in tobacco-related deaths worldwide, predicted to rise from 5 million to 10 million deaths by 2020 if no action was taken. In 2021, about 8 million deaths were attributable to tobacco use.

Although still unacceptably high, despite a 1.7 billion rise in global population, this burden of tobacco deaths was a 40% lower increase than projected before the introduction of the FCTC. It is one of the most widely embraced treaties in UN history: 182 states parties have acceded to the treaty, covering more than 90% of the world's population.

Source: The Lancet, 29 May 2023

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Question Time: Should vapes be banned, unless prescribed by a professional?

On the most recent episode of question time, audience members asked whether vapes should be made prescription-only. Jess Phillips MP, who quit smoking through vaping, responded that vaping is a net benefit for public health but said that Labour are committed to regulating marketing that seems to target children. Panellist Jack Monroe, a food writer and also has used vapes to quit smoking, adds that we should be treating the marketing and selling of vapes to children the same way we treat marketing and selling alcohol to children by increasing the penalty for retailers caught breaking the rules. You can watch the full segment here from 32:51 to 43:25

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OHID report: Understanding the drivers of healthy life expectancy

The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) have released a new report into healthy life expectancy which aims to inform policy. They look at key drivers of health life expectancy including smoking status, income, education and physical activity. You can read the full report here


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Youth vaping: call for evidence

The deadline for the UK Government’s youth vaping call for evidence is the 6th June. You can either respond via the online form on the webpage or email your response to [email protected]. Please ensure that you indicate which of the 7 themes listed here is relevant to your response to make it easier for DHSC to review. 

An initial summary of the latest evidence on vaping prevalence among under-18s is available here.

ASH’s February policy briefing on vaping is a good starting point for developing your response and can be found here.

You can make a submission to the call for evidence here.  

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NHSE: Saving Babies’ Lives Version Three

NHS England has published the third version of Saving Babies Lives Care Bundle (SBLCB). This is a source of evidence-based best practice for providers and commissioners of maternity care which was co-developed by front-line clinicians, Royal Colleges, service users, charities and the Department of Health and Social Care. Element one of this bundle focuses on reducing smoking in pregnancy by implementing NHS-funded tobacco dependence treatment services within maternity settings. You can read the full publication here

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