Friend --

King Charles and his World Economic Forum minions have launched a full scale assault on food.  The famers are well aware of this and are taking to the streets from India to France. Tractor demonstrations have filled the streets of Germany, and farmers are dumping their milk in France.  In the Netherlands and North Brabant, the Farmers Defence Force and Agractie farmers’ collectives, were formed after animal rights’ activists began occupying farms.  Farmers are organizing to defeat "green" programs which protect the wolves that kill farm animals and that penalize farmers for nitrogen levels in cow manure. Why, in a starving world, would governments demand that 30% of farm land be taken out of production?   

In 2023, a major electoral upset hit the Netherlands as a result of the farm demonstrations and uproar.  In 2023, a new party which had been formed to link non-farmers with farmers --  the "farmer-citizen-movement" --  took a landslide vote in the elections, and became the majority party in the Dutch parliament. 

I'll be speaking with one of the founders of the Farmers' Defense Force from the Netherlands in the New York Symposium this Friday night,  together with a farm leader from the United States.

Can Americans also throw the bums out?

Friday June 3, 2023 Symposium: The World is Hungry! Why Not Let the Farmers Farm?

Saturday Queens Meeting 

I'll be holding a town hall meeting over bagels and coffee at 10 am Saturday morning in Jamaica, Queens.  Marly Hornik, of NY Citizens Audit will be speaking, Dennis Speed of the LaRouche Manhattan project, City Council candidates Daniela May and Marilyn Miller, and of course, Diane Sare, and more.  Tickets are $35.  Call 646-328-1932 or RSVP below for the details.


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