Hungry, weak, and alone. A vulnerable polar bear stumbles across the Arctic ice sheet, desperate to find a meal. There is not much land to walk on, a lot less than the week before. At this rate, where will she go to rest, reproduce, eat... survive? As she climbs onto the next ice patch in continuation of her search, the ice beneath her CRACKS and CRUMBLES, forcing her to collapse and sink into the water. Severely malnourished and struggling to stay afloat, she simply doesn’t have the strength to paddle all the way back to land again…
Friend, polar bears are clinging to survival as you read this. Can you imagine a world without these gentle giants? Unfortunately, with the Arctic currently melting TWICE as fast as the rest of the planet, it’s a likely reality that polar bears could soon be WIPED OUT. In fact, experts predict that the Arctic region will be completely ice-free within the next 31 years!
And now, with the Biden administration’s recent approval of new oil and gas drilling in the Arctic, Big Oil has full permission to INCREASE its environmentally destructive activities that could be what finally pushes endangered polar bears to EXTINCTION. Friend, we can still salvage what’s left of the Arctic and save the remaining polar bears from corporate greed -- if we act quickly. Will you speak up NOW to STOP the fossil fuel industry from threatening endangered polar bears before it’s too late?
When you picture the Arctic, spans of glistening ice and epic white glaciers are typically what come to mind -- not industrial machinery and oil drills. But these unsightly manmade structures are TAKING OVER this fragile region, generating massive amounts of harmful noise and air pollution and dumping toxic waste into the water and atmosphere. And if this new administrative rule is enacted, the destruction of fragile Arctic habitat will only get worse, Friend.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has even confirmed that there’s 95% probability that the increased oil and gas activity under this new rule will cause “SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH” to endangered Southern Beaufort Sea polar bears -- already the most imperiled polar bear population in the world with ONLY 900 of these beloved animals left on the planet.
So if FWS is already aware of these risks, then where is the accountability, Friend? How long will we allow the government to give dirty energy handouts to the fossil fuel industry at the expense of our Earth? We urgently need 4,702 more activists to sign our petition by 11:59 P.M. TONIGHT to pressure the agency to act. ADD YOUR NAME NOW: Demand that the FWS reject the expansion of oil and gas drilling in the Arctic! >>
Friends of the Earth