From Gloria, <>
Subject Friend, can you come to a teach-in on the hidden history of the Second Amendment?
Date June 2, 2023 1:11 AM
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Join us to talk about the hidden history of gun rights and the 2nd
Amendment on Thursday, June 8, 8:30pm ET / 5:30pm PT!
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Dear Friend,

The national debate about gun violence and gun policy reform rests on an
understanding of the Second Amendment shaped by the NRA and other pro-gun
extremists. Their definition asserts that the right to bear arms is – and
always has been – a bedrock Constitutional right that guarantees freedom.

But what if the NRA’s interpretation of the Second Amendment is
historically wrong? How has the NRA’s version fed a gun violence epidemic
that threatens and terrifies everyone, with disproportionate impacts on
communities of color and other vulnerable communities? And how is the
NRA’s Second Amendment increasingly infringing on other fundamental rights
like free speech and safety?

[ [link removed] ]We’ll discuss these and other questions at the #KeepMarching online
teach-in, Thursday, June 8, 2023, 8:30 pm ET/ 5:30 pm PT, with
constitutional law professors Carl Bogus and Mary Anne Franks. Sign up


WHAT: “The Hidden History of the Second Amendment and What Came After”
online teach-in
WHO: Constitutional law professors Carl Bogus and Mary Anne Franks, with
moderator Gloria Pan, Senior Vice President of Gun Control, MomsRising
WHEN: Thursday, June 8, 2023, 8:30 pm ET / 5:30 pm PT
WHERE: Online, from wherever you are

[ [link removed] ]RSVP here.

This teach-in about the Second Amendment (2A) will start with a look at
history reaching back to the founding of the country. We’ll examine how
the NRA began crafting and selling its own version of 2A steeped in white
supremacy, bringing us to our current era of runaway gun violence, a
rising number of hate crimes, and insurrectionism. Other topics to be
covered include:

* The impact of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Heller decision on gun violence
rates and on vulnerable communities
* The unfolding impact of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Bruen decision
* How 2A is increasingly infringing on other foundational constitutional

[ [link removed] ]Click here to sign up for this important teach-in.

Two of our country’s foremost constitutional thinkers about gun rights
will serve as faculty at our teach-in:

Carl Bogus is Distinguished Research Professor of Law at Roger Williams
University School of Law in Rhode Island. In his new book Madison's
Militia: The Hidden History of the Second Amendment, Professor Bogus shows
that – contrary to conventional wisdom – the fitting symbol of the Second
Amendment is not the musket in the hands of the minuteman on Lexington
Green but rather the musket wielded by a slave patrol member in the South.

Mary Anne Franks is an American legal scholar, author, activist, and media
commentator. She is a professor of law and the Michael R. Klein
Distinguished Scholar Chair at the [ [link removed] ]University of Miami School of Law.
In her book, The Cult of the Constitution: Our Deadly Devotion to Guns and
Free Speech, Professor Franks examines the thin line between
constitutional fidelity and constitutional fundamentalism and how the NRA
has fanned the flames of the latter.

[ [link removed] ]Join us for this important teach-in. Sign up now. 

Please forward this email to everyone you know who is looking to better
understand the roots of gun violence, who is searching for new ideas and a
way forward to finally achieve a safer future with true freedom for

In solidarity,

- Gloria, Joy, Jessica, Kristin and the whole &
MamásConPoder Team


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