Dear Ward 8 Residents,

Yesterday, the Council voted to approve a $19.7 billion budget. We funded priorities to serve the complex needs of District residents best.

I am proud that we will provide investments to improve and renovate Ward 8 Schools that have needed improvements for far too long. 

Several recreation centers across our city have received funding for renovations, including $24 million dedicated to renovating Douglas Recreation Center, one of the oldest community centers in Ward 8. 

Public safety remains a critical issue in our city, especially with the rise in carjackings and gun violence impacting residents. I am glad to see $9 million towards Safe Passage, a program that addresses student and school safety concerns, and $7.7 million to the Office of Neighborhood Safety & Engagement (ONSE) for violence interruption programs.

It is essential that residents have access to housing options that are both affordable and safe. I am pleased that $66 million has been allocated for development at Barry Farm as part of New Communities and $22 million to renovate affordable family housing at Highland Addition. Additionally, $10 million will support the Black Homeownership Fund with $8 million to increase available down payment assistance through Housing Purchase Assistance Program (HPAP).

Though we did not get everything we requested, we had some big wins for Ward 8. As your Councilmember, I will continue to push for equity and inclusion and fight for a fair and balanced budget for residents east of the river.


Trayon White, Sr.
Councilmember, Ward 8

The follow-up meeting Councilmember White's summer initiative, 40 Days of Increased Peace, is scheduled for:

Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Temple of Praise
700 Southern Ave SE, Washington, DC 20032


Please bring your calendar of events, fliers and questions to the meeting.

The Giant® National Capital BBQ Battle is Back for its 31st year, as America’s Food & Music Festival and we have tickets for Ward 8 residents. 

Mark your calendar for June 24th & 25th and bring the whole family to DC’s favorite Food & Music celebration. 

The Office of Councilmember Trayon White has free tickets for Ward 8 residents only. 

For tickets, please register in advance:

Tickets will be available for pick-up at the Ward 8 Office located at 2235 Shannon Place SE, Washington, DC 20020 on Tuesdays only from 10am-4pm. For more information about tickets please contact Councilmember White's office at 202-724-8045.

For more information on the Giant Barbecue Battle, visit

Seniors Show Up In High Numbers For Senior Fest.

May 31, 2023
Councilmember White joined seniors for a good time at Senior Fest hosted by Mayor Muriel Bowser and the DC Department of Parks and Recreation.
Access Housing Hosts Annual Memorial Day Celebration.

May 24, 2023
Councilmember White joined Access Housing’s Annual Memorial Celebration to honor the brave servicemen and servicewomen who died defending our country.
[Click to Watch]

Talbert Street Residents Rally For Equity.

May 24, 2023

Councilmember joined residents of the River East at Grandview Condominiums on Talbert Street for a rally and to convene a conversation with Director Colleen Green from the Department of Housing & Community Development.

“We are about 70% renters, and we have to begin to shift to move people into homeownership. In this case, we lost that vision along the way,” stated Councilmember White.

“We as a government have to be held accountable and hold those responsible accountable. I’ve stepped into the middle of this to convene healthy conversations to ensure you as homeowners are made whole," Councilmember White told residents.

Councilmember White called Director Green and placed her over the speaker to allow Director Green to address the homeowners and next steps.

On Tuesday, May 30, the Council met for the second of two budget meetings on the Financial Year 2024 budget, which will run from October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024. Several members offered amendments Councilmember Trayon White.

  • Chairman Mendelson made several technical changes by amendment to resolve accounting errors and reflect amendments made at the May 16th meeting. 
  • Councilmember Brooke Pinto (Ward 2) successfully offered an amendment to restore $150,000, funding three violence prevention organizations in Ward 2. 
  • Councilmember Lewis George successfully offered an amendment to provide a $60 million increase in SNAP benefits and cash benefits to specific residents if the Chief Financial Officer for the District finds that there is excess revenue at the end of Fiscal Year 2023.
  • Councilmember Robert White (At-Large) attempted to offer an amendment to restrict the amount that a housing provider may increase rent between May 1, 2023 and April 30, 2023. This amendment was tabled and scheduled for discussion at the June 6th meeting. 
  • Councilmember Brianne Nadeau (Ward 1) successfully offered an amendment to transfer $750,000 from the Department of Small and Local Business Development to the Department of Health to assist Ward 1 residents experiencing substance abuse disorders and related challenges and successfully partnered with Councilmember Brook Pinto on another amendment to fund a $50,000 study on whether to place a new library on U Street.
The Committee submitted the following amendments for the FY24 budget to increase facilities and programming for Ward 8. Before the final vote, three amendments were fully funded: 
  • $1.5 million capital to DCPS to Johnson Middle School for outdoor lighting for the football field
  • $5 million capital to DCPS to Eastern High School for a renovation to their football stadium
  • $3 million capital to the Department of Parks and Recreation for renovations at Marvin Gaye Recreation Center, which will include their playground
We also received $875,000 for a renovation of Anacostia High School's auditorium and advocated for the $2 million grant for Douglass Community Land Trust.  

During the final vote, we received $30 million to construct a brand-new Malcolm X Recreation Center at Bard High School Early College DC.
[Click to Watch]

May 30, 2023

In a 9-3 vote, with Councilmember Nadeau voting present, the Council voted to accept Councilmember Trayon White's amendment to fund $30 million to construct a new Malcolm X Recreation Center at Bard High School Early College DC.

The Outreach Team Tours Covenant House. 
May 22, 2023

Councilmember White's Constituent Services Team had the opportunity to visit Covenant House, a non-profit organization located on Mississippi Ave SE. Covenant House provides shelter and supportive services to young adults facing homelessness. During the tour, the Constituent Services Team learned about its various programs and services to support young adults with employment, music development and education.

DC's Parks and Recreation Department is offering free lifeguard certifications this summer. FOX 5's DMV Zone takes you behind the scenes of what stories FOX 5 is covering across the DMV. Airs weekdays at 3pm on FOX 5 and
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