here if this email is hard to read. If you no longer wish
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I hope you had a fun and safe Memorial Day
weekend despite the rain on Monday (okay... the Dad in me wants to
note that we really needed that rain). Today the Council and the Mayor
marked the beginning of Pride Month at the Wilson Building by raising
the pride flag to fly with the DC State Flag.
If you can believe it,
summer's right around the corner! I’ve been taking advantage of the
warmer weather to spend a lot of time in the Ward, for everything
from Bike
to Work Day and running the Capitol Hill Classic
with my family, to
community meetings with residents about public safety and traffic
safety to blessing
of the fleet down on the Southwest waterfront. Down at the Wilson
Building, we wrapped
up the second and final vote on the District’s FY24 budget this week.
I shared some details about what’s in the budget for Ward 6 and the
as a whole after the first vote, which you can dive into here if you
missed it. We’ve
now locked in the final numbers for the FY24 budget (which begins this
October), and I’m pleased to share more below on the exciting projects we're
delivering on for Ward 6.
Quick Links: Public Safety
Update | FY24 Budget Finalized | Remembering Linda Harllee Harper | Traffic Safety Roundtable | WMATA Better Bus Network | Pride Kickoff on Barracks Row | Fort Totten Transfer Station | Capitol Hill Area Sidewalk Survey | Outdoor Movie Nights | Eastern
Market Jazz | Go-Go at the MLK Library | Free Walk-Up Health Clinic | NPS Town Hall with Congresswoman Norton | SW Waterfront Art Exhibit | Migrant
Services Center | Climate Talk at Burke | Barracks Row Office Hours
Public Safety Update
Everyone will note the level of gun violence in the District,
the region, and in so many places across the country is unacceptable.
Public safety remains our top priority. And because the Council just
passed next year's budget, I'm going to use this newsletter's public
safety update to highlight a few notable public safety and gun
violence reduction items in the budget, from short-term to long-term
- For the third straight year, the Council approved the
Mayor's proposed MPD's staffing budget. This includes a $25,000
signing bonus for new recruits, tuition and rental assistance to
retain officers, and a continued first-time homebuyer program that I
created for first responders a few years ago. The budget also includes
funding to hire more civilians to do administrative work within MPD
and thereby free up sworn officers to patrol.
- Some of our violence interruption programs and grants
received less funding in this year's tight budget, but not in a way
that should disrupt any ongoing placements in Ward 6. This work is
critical to interrupting cycles of violence and intervening in
personal conflicts.
- The fight over standing up an independent "crime lab" - the
Department of Forensic Sciences - will continue when the Council takes
up the Budget Support Act (that's the policy part of the budget) in a
few weeks. This is a complicated issue but one that's vital to
prosecution of gun crimes. Just last year, the Council passed my bill
to make DFS an independent agency. You may recall the agency had lost
accreditation under poor management and systemic quality assurance
challenges. As the agency works toward re-accreditation, it's very
important to have an apolitical lab, focused on the science, be able
to hold up in Court, and with strong internal oversight mechanisms.
The purpose of the lab is to neutrally evaluate evidence as part of
investigations and prosecutions. When we don't have a functioning lab,
we can't test evidence or rely on those scientists' testimony or
analysis in court prosecutions. The consequences have been significant
for our entire justice system in terms of cases being dropped or
otherwise in limbo, and the Council needs to speak with one voice in
support of a well-functioning, independent lab.
Shooting at Tony’s Place at
and H St., NE: On Tuesday, there was a
shooting inside Tony’s Place located at 14th and H St., NE. Early
reports from MPD indicate it may have been a customer who shot an
employee over a dispute. MPD's detectives report plenty of video is
available to aid them in identifying a suspect. I'll be sure to share
any updates as we have them.
I've been working closely with H Street
businesses in recent weeks to improve public safety, including walking
through the commercial corridor with MPD and our Main Street
leadership just a few weeks ago (photo to the right).
Robbery on 300 block of 12th Street, SE:
Over the weekend, there was a robbery and
assault on the 300 block of 12th Street, SE. I've been in touch with
MPD and many residents in the days since, and MPD
is sharing images of two suspects here. I'll be meeting with
neighbors but also want to remind folks about our Private
Security Camera Rebate Program, a program my office created when I
first joined the Council. It helps offset the cost of security cameras
that residents register with MPD for use in investigations. These
videos help identify suspects and make arrests in both property and
violent crimes. It's an easy step any resident, business, or
non-profit can take to help hold people accountable and solve
Council Approves the FY24 Budget
On Tuesday, the District's budget for FY24 passed the second and
final vote at the Council. I shared the details a couple weeks ago
following our first vote (you
can read them here, if you missed it), and the key items remain
the same, particularly some sorely needed Ward 6 projects like school
modernizations, road safety improvements, and rec center upgrades that
I was able to get funded.
This year's budget revealed some stark differences and
competing views on how to move our city forward. Coming out of
the pandemic, we still have critical gaps to fill in our social safety
net. The budget originally sent to the Council didn't come close to
meeting those needs and slashed funding in priority areas. I'm proud
of the budget we've ultimately approved, as funding from my Committee,
as well as from the Chairman at the full Council, restores funding for
programs like emergency rental assistance, legal aid for vulnerable
residents, and more, as well as ambitious investments in transit
equity, street safety, clean energy, and public safety.
Here are a few city-wide priorities the Council
funded in the first, and now final, vote, in addition to the new Ward
6 wins above:
- $35M for emergency rental assistance (for a total of $43M),
$18.6M (for a total of $31.6M) for civil legal services, and $9M in
new permanent supportive housing vouchers (up from zero).
- Full funding of MPD's requested budget for officers and
recruitment and retention incentives, as well as fully restoring $10.5
million in funding for crime victims.
- An important part of my Metro for DC legislation to expand
service for 13 WMATA bus routes to run 24/7, a huge win for transit
accessibility that will help workers with early morning or late night
hours, as well as those who are out dining or attending concerts late
at night. The lines are the 32, 33, 52, 70, 90, A6, A8, B2, H4, S2,
V2, W4, and the X2.
- Funding more than 40 street safety projects.
Related: In addition to
the city's budget, the other big priority this week at the Council was
a bill from my colleague and Housing Committee chair Councilmember
Robert White to lower allowable rent increases for rent-controlled
apartments. Members offered a few different amendments to his
emergency legislation, and there was some confusion on procedure that
ultimately led to the vote being delayed by one week, so it will be
back up for a vote at next Tuesday's Legislative Meeting. I gave a quick
explainer of the issue on Instagram and will be sure to keep you
updated on where we land after the vote next
Remembering Linda Harllee
The District suffered a significant loss last week when Linda
Harllee Harper, the District’s first Gun Violence Prevention Director,
passed away. Linda was a beautiful person, and I'm just
shocked and saddened. She was a longtime and true public servant,
committed to her core to saving lives. She shined around young people
and all those who need a second chance in life. She was a natural and
skilled leader in the fields of juvenile justice and violence
prevention, and she commanded every room she entered with her smile,
poise, and stature. My heart goes out to her friends, family,
colleagues, and all those she shaped and supported. As I
mentioned, Linda was the city's first Gun Violence Prevention
Director, a position I created a few years ago to coordinate city-wide
efforts, and she was also the Director of the Office of Neighborhood
Safety and Engagement, an agency which runs most of our violence
prevention programming.
Traffic Enforcement and Safe Streets Council Hearing
Last week, I held a public oversight roundtable
on the District’s efforts to curb dangerous driving. It's a top
concern I hear from neighbors, and our data on crashes and high-risk
corridors tell a troubling story. One of my main concerns is that the
District's response isn't well-coordinated or urgent, which lets
repeat dangerous drivers jeopardize public safety without
Nowhere has this been more evident than in the many ways the
District failed to keep Nakita Walker from being legally able to get
behind the wheel, the woman who has been arrested
after fleeing a police stop and tragically killing three people in a
car crash in Rock Creek Park earlier this year. Someone who has
had multiple DUIs and DWIs across the region should not still have a
valid driver’s license. As we asked how this could have happened at
the roundtable, it became clear there’s
a major issue at the DMV with suspending licenses following a
criminal conviction. I've sent letters to the Superior Court and DMV
to better understand the suspension process and identify gaps on the
DMV's side.
The roundtable also focused on broader failings with
enforcement, particularly given the District’s heavy reliance on
automated traffic enforcement cameras. A major challenge remains
reaching an agreement with Maryland and Virginia on what it would take
to implement ticket reciprocity (basically, you wouldn’t be able to
renew your license without having paid any outstanding tickets across
all three states). Of course, I’ll note your ability to
pay a fine doesn't mean you're a safer driver. Accountability doesn't
just mean paying the ticket; it means changing behavior. Another
strategy might be to rethink how and where we deploy our DPW tow
trucks and boot crews, one of the best modes of enforcement we have
against dangerous drivers who try to skirt accountability.
This is an area you're going to see me lead on, including
drafting legislation to strengthen the District’s focus on dangerous
drivers. More on the hearing from DCist.
Related: I recently went on a traffic
safety walk with Ward 7 ANC commissioners and residents along East
Capitol Street. As they were quick to point out, the road's design
invites people to drive dangerously -- and they do so every hour of
the day. This is exactly the kind of thoroughfare where we should be
making immediate changes to street design. Thanks to all those
neighbors for having me, and if there are other intersections you'd
like my team to see first-hand, please let me know.
Weigh in on the Better Bus Project for Ward 6 Routes
and Join Me for a Community Town Hall on June 14
As I wrote in the last newsletter, WMATA is in the
process of a massive redesign of our bus network across the region for
the first time in 50 years. I want to hear from you on what you think
about the proposed routes. The Better
Bus Network Redesign will include modified and new routes,
upgraded facilities, added bus lanes, and more. It's a huge
undertaking, but I'm excited that WMATA is thinking big about how to
ensure our bus system is keeping up with our fast-changing city and
region to improve accessibility, frequency, and safety. While WMATA
has done a solid job of providing plenty of digestible explainers, an
overhaul of this scale requires feedback and input from those who will
be most impacted — you! I strongly encourage you to dive into the
links below to learn more about the plan, and provide
your feedback through WMATA's interactive comment map for specific
routes. I'll also be preparing a formal letter with WMATA with your
and my recommendations — so
please fill out this form to share your
Additionally, I'm planning to hold two events: a Council roundtable
on the entire plan on Thursday, June 8, at 9:30am (watch
live here) and a community town hall meeting on Wednesday,
June 14 from 7:30–8:30pm focused on the details of the Better
Bus Network Redesign and how it will impact Ward 6. Location for the
town hall is TBD, but you can go ahead and
RSVP on my website and receive an update when we have a
spot confirmed.
Kick Off Pride Month on Barracks
It's June, which means it's Pride Month! You can kick off the month
with DPR and Barracks Row Main Street with a
Pride concert and carnival this weekend at Eastern Market Metro
Park. The concert is this Friday, June 2, from 5-6:30pm (you can head
over right after stopping by my Barracks
Row office hours at as you are. at 4pm), and the carnival will
take place Saturday, June 3 from 12-3pm. I'll also be marching with a
Council contingent in the Pride Parade downtown in the afternoon of
the 10th, so call out for beads as I walk by!
DPW Fort Totten Transfer Station is

Starting next Tuesday, June 6, DPW's Fort
Totten Transfer Station at 4900 John McCormack Rd NE will reopen
after a year of construction. The redesigned station has a new
residential drop-off platform to facilitate safer and cleaner disposal
of trash, recyclables, bulk items, yard waste, metal, tires, and
appliances. The Benning Road Station will close this Sunday, June
Capitol Hill Area Sidewalk
ANC6A, ANC6B, ANC6C, and Capitol Hill Village want to learn more
about your experience with the sidewalks on Capitol Hill. Take
this survey to share your input on sidewalk conditions, falls,
injuries, and anything that could be done to improve our sidewalks.
The data will be used to inform safety and repair requests to DDOT.
Individual answers won't be linked to your email address or other
identifying information. The entire survey can be responded to
anonymously and should take fewer than 5 minutes. Please share the
survey with your neighbors, too.
Outdoor Movie Nights
Looking for some free outdoor fun this summer? Check out
these upcoming outdoor summer movie nights with the CiNoMatic movie
series in NoMa and Sunset Cinema at
the Wharf.
CiNoMatic Screen Series (Alethia Tanner
Cinema at the Wharf
- Every Thursday until Labor Day
Eastern Market Friday Night
Jazz Concerts
Two of the best summer jazz
concert series are back at Eastern Market Metro Plaza and Barracks
Row! Come out to
EMMP every Friday from 5-6:30pm for “Live, on
The Hill.” And on the
first Friday of every month, come for Jazz
First Fridays on
Street, with live
shows at various
Barracks Row locations every month.
Live Go-Go in June on the
Roof of MLK Library
June is Black
Music Month, and to celebrate, MLK Library is hosting free Go-Go
concerts on its rooftop garden throughout the month of June! The Go-Go
on the Rooftop concert series will take place on June 4, 11, and
18 from 2-4pm and feature the bands Sirius
Company, Rare
Essence, and Black
One Minute Clinic at Capitol
Hill Counseling and Resource Center

There will be a free “One
Minute Clinic” on June 10th at
the Capitol Hill Counseling and Resource Center at 901 A Street,
NE. This is a
chance to meet with doctors, nurses, nutritionists, and mental health providers
to get your
checked. The clinic
is free, no registration is needed, and simply walk up from
Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton's National Park
Service Town Hall
On June 14, from 6-7:30pm, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes
Norton is holding a virtual Town Hall Meeting for constituents with
representatives from the National Park Service to answer questions and
address concerns about federal park land in the District and preview
some NPS summer programming. If you can't attend, you can
comments by filling out the registration form. The recording will
also be shared with those who register.
Southwest Waterfront Village Art
of Ages Exhibit
Don't miss the opportunity to check out art from seniors in the
Navy Yard and Southwest communities on June 9 and 10 at the Waterfront
Village. Details
and RSVP here.
New Migrant
Services Reception and Respite
You may remember last year that
the Council approved the Mayor's creation of a new office within the
District's Department of Human Services to address the arrival of
migrants being bused to DC by the Republican governors of Texas and
Arizona. The newly-established Office of Migrant Services has recently
opened its Reception and Respite Center at Harbor Light (2100
New York Avenue, NE). It's open Monday-Thursday from
8:30am-4pm, Friday 8:30am-12pm, and on weekends as needed for bus
arrivals only. It offers the following services:
- Support with onward travel
- Case management
- Food
- Clothing
- Hygiene
- Emergency Medical Referrals
- Know Your Rights presentations
- Short-term lodging (1-7 nights)
Individuals and families arriving to DC can be referred to the
center during operating hours. After hours shelter needs should still
go through the Shelter Hotline: 202-399-7093.
Talking Climate Change, Energy,
and Transportation w/ Students
Last week I was invited to speak with 11th graders
at Edmond Burke School about environmental justice, how the DC Council
works, questions about bike lanes and making it safer to ride, and
even questions about single-family zoning and the way policy and laws
get passed at the Council. I really enjoyed the conversation and, as
is the case any time I get to speak with students, I felt hopeful for
the next generation. If I can ever come meet with your school or a
group, I'm happy to try and make it work.
Come Chat with Me at Barracks Row
Office Hours this Friday
Thanks to everyone who stopped by our Mount Vernon Triangle community
office hours last week! We're excited to be coming out again this
Friday, June 2, at
as you are. on Barracks Row from 4-5:30pm. Swing by to chat with me
and my team about anything that's on your mind, or just say hello and
Happy Pride! You can RSVP on my
Whew, that's enough from me.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far!
See you around the
Charles Allen
