John, you know as well as I do that America's political and economic systems aren't broken, they're rigged.
They're rigged for the rich and powerful and defined by an unwillingness by those in power to take on the big fights like passing Medicare for All or a Green New Deal. It's little wonder why millions of Americans have lost confidence in the politics of maintaining the status quo.
My new book "The System; Who Rigged It, How We Fix It", exposes how wealth and power have eviscerated the middle class and undermined democracy. How the real divide in America today is establishment versus anti-establishment, the comparatively few at the top who have siphoned off much of the wealth of this nation versus average Americans whose wages have gone nowhere.
It's also a call to action. We can win fundamental change and make democracy work for the majority once again.
I’m happy to share some good news. You can reserve a copy of "The System" -- and support Democracy for America’s critical work to defeat Donald Trump and flip control of the U.S. Senate -- at the same time.
Donate now and we'll send you an advance copy of my new book -- but only if you contribute before the new deadline -- so don't wait!
Democracy for America doesn't shy away from fighting for critical reforms like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal. They're not afraid of the corporate-Wall Street elite, because DFA is backed up by the power of a million members and thousands of grassroots donors contributing small amounts at a time.
It’s why DFA recruits and supports the kinds of progressive leaders we need to see more of in Washington -- like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -- people who are there to serve the people, not to take a spin through the revolving door and then personally profit from it.
This work is only possible because of DFA members like you who have always been on the front lines of fighting to fix the system so it works for everyone, not just corporations and billionaires.
You can help me build momentum in the media for "The System" -- and support DFA at the same time -- by contributing to DFA now.
If you donate today, DFA will send you a copy of my new book as a thank you, but hurry before the new deadline.
Thank you for everything you're doing to defeat Trump, flip the Senate and fix the system.
Robert Reich
Former Secretary of Labor
Co-founder, Inequality Media