We had another great phonebank last night, and we will see you LIVE next Wednesday!

Phonebank Updates!

During last night's phonebank, we made over 300 📞 (309, to be specific). We also found 4 undecided voters, recruited 5 local volunteers, and did a lot of list cleaning for the campaign.


That brings us to over 500 calls for our two phonebanks in May, with a total of 10 local volunteers recruited. 🏃 This is why we start in May! 👍


Special June 7 Hybrid LIVE/Zoom Phonebank -

with Joshua Cole!

NEXT WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, our candidate Joshua Cole will join us over Zoom to talk about his campaign.


As part of that big night, we will be hosting a 📱 LIVE phonebanking 📱 event with our friends at the Woman's National Democratic Club in DuPont Circle. 


Come join us to talk to voters, meet other supporters, and enjoy a fun evening with 🍕, 🥨 🍪, and a 💰🍸.


We look forward 👀 to seeing you there!

Learn more about Joshua's campaign on his candidate page!

Your Sister District DC/VA/MD Leaders

Sarah, Karen, Jennie, Alan, Jim, Kara, Emma, Mary and Jeff


Paid for by Sister District Project. Authorized by Joshua Cole, candidate for HD 65.