Web Version:
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Our newsletter includes links to Irish and international publications related to alcohol, tobacco
and other drugs.
To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit our website [
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], Ireland's comprehensive substance use research library. And follow us on Twitter @HRBdrugslibrary
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]. For all recent additions see our recently added publications page [
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Irish-related publications
Deaths among people who were homeless at time of death in Ireland, 2019.
Lynn, Ena et al (2023) Dublin: Health Research Board.
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Citizens' Assembly on Drugs Use: session recording 13 May 2023
(2023) Citizens’ Assembly.
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Report on the consultations with young people for the Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use. November 2022
– March 2023.
Egan, Annabel (2023) Dublin: Department of Health
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Model of care for people with mental disorder and co-existing substance use disorder (dual
National Working Group for Dual Diagnosis. (2023) Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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Roadmap for social inclusion 2020 - 2025. Ambition, goals, commitments.
(2023) Dublin: Government of Ireland
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Growing up in the West. The lives of our young people. Planet Youth reports
Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force, Planet Youth. (2023) Galway
Galway city 2022 [link removed] [
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County report Galway 2022 [link removed] [
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Report Mayo 2022 [link removed] [
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Report Roscommon 2022 [link removed] [
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Barriers and facilitators of naloxone and safe injection facility interventions to reduce opioid
drug-related deaths: a qualitative analysis.
Miller, Nicole M et al (2023) International Journal of Drug Policy 117.
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Healthy Workplace Ireland [Webpage]
(2023) Healthy Ireland @ work
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The importance of continued and full implementation of the Public Health (Alcohol) Act: a comment on
Barry and Lyne (2023)
Critchlow, Nathan and Houghton, Frank (2023) Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online.
pp. 1-2. 10.1017/ipm.2023.24
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The Sale of Alcohol Bill (2022): an analysis of costs and benefits.
Babor, Thomas F (2023) Dublin: Alcohol Forum Ireland.
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Women over 50 who use alcohol and their engagement with primary and preventative health services: a
narrative review using a systematic approach.
Clarke, Grainne et al (2023) Journal of Addictive Diseases, Early online.
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Public awareness of the relationship between alcohol use and breast cancer risk.
Doyle, Anne (2023) IAS Blog,
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A thematic analysis of alcohol use and culture amongst elite (intercounty) Gaelic Athletic
Association (GAA) players.
Mac Gearailt, Conall et al (2023) Irish Journal of Medical Science, Early online. doi:
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Unrecorded alcohol use in 33 European countries: analyses of a comparative survey with 49,000 people
who use alcohol.
Manthey, Jakob et al (2023) International Journal on Drug Policy, 116. doi:
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Hepatitis B related hepatocellular carcinoma: screening, screening and more screening.
Sopena-Falco, J et al (2023) Irish Medical Journal, 116, (4), p. 756
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The mediating effect of food choice upon associations between adolescent health-related quality of
life and physical activity, social media use and abstinence from alcohol.
Davison, Jenny et al (2023) Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 21, 46.
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Policy Briefing. The sale and marketing of zero alcohol drinks.
(2023) Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland.
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Deconstructing false narratives and tactics of industry.
(2023) Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland
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Mental health and alcohol.
Bryce, Carmen (2023) Alcohol Action Ireland blog
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Alcohol Action Ireland webinar recording: Get the facts - on the label.
(2023) Alcohol Action Ireland.
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Recurrent intoxication due to clomipramine pharmacobezoar.
McCarthy, R and Coleman, M (2023) Anaesthesia Reports, 11, (1). doi.org/10.1002/anr3.12230
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Suicide prevention in the community: communicating, connecting, caring. A practical guide.
O'Sullivan, Mary and Tiernan, Eithne (2023) Dublin: HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention
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Is perinatal substance abuse falling through the cracks?
Mitchell, JM et al (2023) Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online. 10.1017/ipm.2023.22
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Ana Liffey 40th anniversary ‘We are innovative’ conference report.
(2023) Dublin: Ana Liffey Drug Project
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Published submissions to the Citizens' Assembly on Drug Use.
(2023) Citywide Drugs Crisis Campaign, Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre
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Dr. Jo-Hanna Ivers - Recreational drug use: opioids. [Audio]
Zamparelli, Jennifer (2023) Dublin: RTE radio
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Drug testing at festivals [Audio]
Savage, Anton and Shapiro, Harry (2023) Dublin: Newstalk.com
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The incidence and profile of self-harm among prisoners: findings from the self-harm assessment and
data analysis project 2017-2019.
McTernan, Niall et al (2023) International Journal of Prisoner Health, Early online.
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Study on familicide and domestic and family violence death reviews.
(2023) Dublin: Department of Justice
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Intersection of the criminal justice, private family law and public law child care processes in
relation to domestic and sexual violence
Egan, Nuala and O'Malley, Ellen (2023) Dublin: National Women’s Council and Department of Justice
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Conference proceeding: Links between smoking, e-cigarette and cannabis use, and gambling in Ireland:
What are the odds?
Hanafin, Joan et al (2023) In: 9th European Conference on Tobacco or Health, 26-28 April 2023,
[link removed]
Social connectedness and smoking among adolescents in Ireland: an analysis of the health behaviour
in schoolchildren study.
Evans, David S et al (2023) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20,
(9). doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20095667
[link removed]
Lesson-drawing in tobacco control: a qualitative study of stakeholder perceptions in five
North-Western European countries
Kuijpers, Thomas G et al (2023) Tobacco Prevention & Cessation, 9. doi: 10.18332/tpc/161999
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Particle exposure hazards of visiting outdoor smoking areas for patients with asthma or COPD even in
EU countries with comprehensive smokefree laws
Keogan, Sheila et al (2023) Preprints.org, doi.org/10.20944/preprints202302.0294.v1
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Hookah smoking an overlooked aspect of tobacco control in Ireland
Al Kalbani, Salma R and Kavanagh, PM (2023) Irish Medical Journal, 116, (5), p. 774
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Parental influences on excessive Internet use among adolescents
O'Reilly, Conor and Mohan, Gretta (2023) Internet Research, 33, (7), pp. 86-110.
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Revenue Commissioners annual report 2022.
(2023) Dublin: Revenue Commissioners
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Sláintecare healthy communities progress report 2022
(2023) Dublin: Department of Health
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Census of population 2022 - summary results. Health
(2023) Cork: Central Statistics Office.
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Sexual violence survey 2022.
(2023) Cork: Central Statistics Office
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Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland 42nd annual report 2022.
(2023) Dublin: Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland
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Monitoring community HIV testing in Ireland, 2021.
HSE, Health Protection Surveillance Centre (2023) Dublin: HSE HPSC
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Falling behind. Children’s rights in Ireland: the Ombudsman for Children’s Office annual report
(2023) Dublin: Ombudsman for Children’s Office
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The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children report and financial statements for the
year ended 30 September 2022
(2023) Dublin: Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
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Irish Council for Social Housing annual report 2022.
(2023) Dublin: Irish Council for Social Housing
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Cancer in Ireland 1995-2020: annual report of the National Cancer Registry
(2023) Cork: National Cancer Registry, Ireland
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Health inequalities annual report 2023
Atcheson, Robbyn and Laverty, Caolan (2023) Belfast: Department of Health
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Motoring offence statistics for Northern Ireland annual report 2022
(2023) Belfast: Police Service of Northern Ireland
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Recorded Crime Victims 2022 and Suspected Offenders 2021.
(2023) Cork: Central Statistics Office.
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Progress in the Penal System (PIPS): a framework for penal reform (2022).
(2023) Dublin: Irish Penal Reform Trust
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International publications
The Metamorphosis. The impact of a young family member's problematic substance use on family life: a
Lindeman, Sari Kaarina et al (2023) International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and
Well-being, 18, (1). doi: 10.1080/17482631.2023.2202970
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Research evidence and implementation gaps in the engagement of people with lived experience in
mental health and substance use research: a scoping review
Hawke, Lisa D et al (2023) Research Involvement and Engagement, 9, (1). doi:
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Opportunities and challenges in involving people with lived experience of inclusion health as
co-researchers in palliative and end of life research: a rapid review and thematic synthesis.
Crooks, Jodie et al (2023) Research Involvement and Engagement, 9, (1), p. 25. doi:
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UN convention decisions 1961 - 2022.
(2023) Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
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Assessment of screening tools to identify substance use disorders among adolescents.
Levy, Sharon et al (2023) JAMA Network Open, 6, (5). doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.14422
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How are young people's mental health related to their sexual health and substance use? A systematic
review of UK literature.
Harmanci, Damla et al (2023) International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 35, (2), pp.
131-158. doi: 10.1515/ijamh-2022-0090
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Exploring the effect of case management in homelessness per components: a systematic review of
effectiveness and implementation, with meta-analysis and thematic synthesis.
Weightman, Alison L et al (2023) Campbell Systematic Reviews, 19, (2). doi: 10.1002/cl2.1329
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The role of law enforcement officers in drug use prevention within school settings: a guiding
(2023) Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
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The role of substance use treatment in reducing stigma after release from incarceration: a
qualitative analysis.
Moore, Kelly E et al (2023) Health & Justice, 11. doi.org/10.1186/s40352-023-00225-w
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Hepatitis C - annual epidemiological report for 2021.
(2023) Sweden: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
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Hepatitis C infection and treatment among injecting drug users attending general practice: a
systematic review and meta-analysis.
Tandan, Meera et al (2023) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20,
(8). doi: 10.3390/ijerph20085569
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Hep C U later stigma toolkit.
Hep C U Later. (2023) NHS Addictions Provider Alliance.
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Social and structural determinants of injection drug use-associated bacterial and fungal infections:
a qualitative systematic review and thematic synthesis.
Brothers, Thomas D et al (2023) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16257
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World health statistics 2023: monitoring health for the SDGs, sustainable development goals.
(2023) Geneva: World Health Organization
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Three years of wastewater surveillance for new psychoactive substances from 16 countries.
Bade, Richard et al (2023) Water Research X, 19. doi.org/10.1016/j.wroa.2023.100179
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Systematic assessment of non-medical use of prescription drugs using doctor-shopping indicators: a
nationwide, repeated cross-sectional study
Soeiro, Thomas et al (2023) Addiction, Early online. doi.org/10.1111/add.16261
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Effectiveness and implementation of interventions for health promotion in urgent and emergency care
settings: an umbrella review.
Adams, Emma J et al (2023) BMC Emergency Medicine, 23. doi: 10.1186/s12873-023-00798-7
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NPS Discovery - New drug monograph: ADB-5’Br-PINACA.
(2023) Pennsylvania: Center for Forensic Science Research & Education.
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A review of the evidence on the use and harms of Diphenidine and other related substances.
(2023) London: Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs
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Cumyl-PeGaClone and other recently encountered synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists
(2023) London: Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs
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Trends in overdose and other drug-induced deaths in Australia, 2002-2021.
Chrzanowska, Agata et al (2023) Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney
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Vital statistics rapid release. Estimates of drug overdose deaths involving fentanyl,
methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, and oxycodone: United States, 2021.
Spencer, Merianne Rose et al (2023) Hyattsville, MD: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Feasibility and acceptability of an overdose prevention intervention delivered by community
pharmacists for patients prescribed opioids for chronic non-cancer pain.
Schofield, Joe et al (2023) Pharmacy, 11, (3). doi.org/10.3390/pharmacy11030088
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Polydrug use among patients on methadone medication treatment: evidence from urine drug testing to
inform patient safety
Saloner, Brendan et al (2023) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16180
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Genetic variants associated with opioid use disorder
Freiermuth, Caroline E et al (2023) Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 113, (5), pp. 1089-1095.
doi: 10.1002/cpt.2864
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Buprenorphine versus methadone for the treatment of opioid dependence: a systematic review and
meta-analysis of randomised and observational studies
Degenhardt, Louisa et al (2023) The Lancet. Psychiatry, Early online.
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Perspectives of clinicians and staff at community-based opioid use disorder treatment settings on
linkages with emergency department-initiated buprenorphine programs
Sue, Kimberly L et al (2023) JAMA network open, 6, (5). doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.12718
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Addressing the opioid crisis-the need for a pain management intervention in community pharmacies in
Canada: a narrative review
Cid, Ashley et al (2023) Pharmacy, 11, (2), 71. doi: 10.3390/pharmacy11020071
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Nondisordered cannabis use Among US adolescents.
Sultan, Ryan S et al (2023) JAMA Network Open, 6, (5). 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.11294
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Factors associated with cannabis use in early adolescence
Wellman, Robert J et al (2023) Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research,
Policy and Practice, 43, (1), pp. 14-26. doi.org/10.24095/hpcdp.43.1.02
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How should policymakers regulate the tetrahydrocannabinol content of cannabis products in a legal
Hall, Wayne et al (2023) Addiction, 118, (6), pp. 998-1003. doi: 10.1111/add.16135
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Association between cannabis use disorder and schizophrenia stronger in young males than in females
Hjorthøj, Carsten et al (2023) Psychological Medicine, Early online. pp. 1-7.
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Testing the cannabis gateway hypothesis in a national sample of Spanish adolescents
García-Pérez, Ángel et al (2023) Addictive Behaviors, doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2023.107751
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Effects of legalizing cannabis. Technical report.
Manthey, Jacob et al (2023) Hamburg: “Institut für interdisziplinäre Sucht- und Drogenforschung
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Cognitive test performance in chronic cannabis flower users, concentrate users, and non-users
Cuttler, Carrie et al (2023) Scientific Reports, 13. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-35217-1
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Acute care related to cannabis use during pregnancy after the legalization of nonmedical cannabis in
Myran, Daniel Thomas et al (2023) Canadian Medical Association Journal, 195, (20).
[link removed]
Adverse childhood experiences and adolescent cannabis use trajectories: findings from a longitudinal
UK birth cohort
Hines, Lindsey A et al (2023) The Lancet Public Health, 8, (6).
[link removed]
Research letter. Suspected suicidal cannabis exposures reported to US poison centers, 2009-2021
Graves, Janessa M et al (2023) JAMA Network Open, 6, (4). doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.9044
[link removed]
Prevalence of cannabis use among young adults in Sweden comparing randomized response technique with
a traditional survey.
Andersson, Filip et al (2023) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16219
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Assessment of medical cannabis and health-related quality of life.
Arkell, Thomas R et al (2023) JAMA Network Open, 6, (5). doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.12522
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Characteristics of and 3-month health outcomes for people seeking treatment with prescribed
cannabis: Real-world evidence from Project Twenty21
Lynskey, Michael T et al (2023) Drug Science, Policy and Law, doi.org/10.1177/20503245231167373
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Addictions Edited podcast. A medication-based intervention for people who use benzodiazepines
Berry, Karen and Calder, Robert and Davies, Natalie (2023) London: Society for the Study of
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Effective alcohol policies are associated with reduced consumption among demographic groups who
drink heavily.
Casswell, Sally et al (2023) Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, 47, (4), pp. 786-795.
doi: 10.1111/acer.15030
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Evolution of the major alcohol companies key global policy vehicle through the prism of tax records
Lesch, Matthew and McCambridge, Jim (2023) Globalization and Health, 19.
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Unpacking assertions made by the alcohol industry and how they make them: an analysis of submissions
into Australia's National Alcohol Strategy
Miller, Mia et al (2023) Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online. doi.org/10.1111/dar.13682
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Politics and fantasy in UK alcohol policy: a critical logics approach
Hawkins, Benjamin R and van Schalkwyk, May C I (2023) Critical Policy Studies, Early online.
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Reducing alcohol use through alcohol control policies in the general population and population
subgroups: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Kilian, Carolin et al (2023) EClinicalMedicine, Early online. doi.org/10.1016/j.eclinm.2023.101996
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Assessing the impact of minimum pricing for alcohol on the wider population of drinkers: interim
findings (summary)
Buhociu, Marian et al (2023) Cardiff: Welsh Government
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Has minimum unit pricing (MUP) been effective? The evidence so far.
(2023) Edinburgh: Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems and Scottish Alcohol Forum
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Estimating the impact of the minimum alcohol price on consumers’ alcohol expenditure in the Northern
Territory, Australia.
Taylor, Nicholas et al (2023) Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health,
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All-cause and cause-specific mortality in individuals with an alcohol-related emergency or hospital
inpatient presentation: a retrospective data linkage cohort study.
Leung, Janni et al (2023) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16218
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Webinar recording. Alcohol marketing to sexual and gender minorities
Whiteley, David (2023) London: Institute of Alcohol Studies
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Risky decision-making in adults with alcohol use disorder - a systematic and meta-analytic review
Ariesen, Akke-Marij D et al (2023) Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12, (8). doi: 10.3390/jcm12082943
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Drinking motives, personality traits, life stressors - identifying pathways to harmful alcohol use
in adolescence using a panel network approach
Freichel, René et al (2023) Addiction, Early online. doi.org/10.1111/add.16231
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Evidence for an alcohol-related "harm paradox" in individuals with internalizing disorders: test and
replication in two independent community samples
Anker, Justin J et al (2023) Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, 47, (4), pp. 713-723.
doi: 10.1111/acer.15036
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Lived experiences of the diagnostic assessment process for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a
systematic review of qualitative evidence
Hayes, Nicole et al (2023) Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, Early online.
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Impact of the cost-of-living crisis on the nature of attempts to stop smoking and to reduce alcohol
consumption in Great Britain: a representative population survey, 2021-2022
Jackson, Sarah E et al (2023) PLoS ONE, 18, (5). doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0286183
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Assessing and minimising risk of bias in randomized controlled trials of tobacco cessation
interventions: guidance from the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group
Hartmann-Boyce, Jamie and Lindson, Nicola (2023) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16220
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Smoke and mirrors? Conflict of interest declarations in tobacco and e-cigarette-related academic
McDonald, Amy et al (2023) Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, Early online.
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Nicotine receptor partial agonists for smoking cessation
Livingstone-Banks, Jonathan et al (2023) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (5), Art. no.:
CD006103. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006103.pub8
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Estimating the true effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions under variable comparator
conditions: a systematic review and meta-regression
Kraiss, Jannis et al (2023) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16222
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Gambling: exploring the role of gambling motives, attachment and addictive behaviours among
adolescents and young women
Macía, L et al (2023) Journal of Gambling Studies, 39, (1), pp. 183-201.
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A cross-national comparison of problematic gaming behavior and well-being in adolescents
van der Neut, Damian et al (2023) Journal of Behavioral Addictions, Early online. doi:
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Ministers for Health receive government approval to introduce legislation to ban the sale of vaping
products to under 18s.
[Department of Health] (30 May 2023)
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Harris recommends cabinet not oppose drink spiking bill but says further consideration needed.
[thejournal.ie] (30 May 2023)
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Child, 8, used by gang to collect drug debts on bike.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac (29 May 2023)
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More than 900 kids hospitalised due to alcohol or drug poisoning last year.
[Irish Daily Mirror] Murphy, Eoghan (29 May 2023)
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Nearly 750 patients now receiving suboxone.
[Medical Independent] Lynch, David (28 May 2023)
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Combined drug and mental health teams promised.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (28 May 2023)
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Amsterdam makes it illegal to smoke cannabis outdoors.
[Irish Times] Cluskey, Peter (25 May 2023)
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Former Dublin GAA manager Jim Gavin appointed to head up North East Inner City task force.
[thejournal.ie] Halpin, Hayley (24 May 2023)
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Irish Examiner view: care rather than criminalisation.
[Irish Examiner] (23 May 2023)
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Drug injecting centre due in early 2024.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (23 May 2023)
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FactFind: What is the relationship between social inequality, drug use and drug-related harms?
[thejournal.ie] Raymond, Shane (22 May 2023)
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HSE to run drug-testing service at several summer festivals.
[Irish Times] Holland, Kitty (22 May 2023)
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Ministers for Health bring into law the world’s first comprehensive health labelling of alcohol
[Department of Health] (22 May 2023)
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Number of men admitted to treatment for cocaine addiction at rehab centre doubles.
[Irish Times] Bowers, Shauna (19 May 2023)
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Minister Naughton announces successful projects for €1.5 million drug prevention and education
funding scheme.
Department of Health] (18 May 2023)
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Surge in juvenile drug-dealing sparks alarm among youth workers.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (16 May 2023)
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Urgent need for implementation of health warning labels on alcohol products.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (16 May 2023)
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Irish Lotto's new 'schedule play' feature described as 'concerning' by problem gambling experts.
[thejournal.ie] O'Cearbhaill, Muiris (13 May 2023)
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Irish Examiner View: costs of cannabis decriminalisation unclear.
[Irish Examiner] (08 May 2023)
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Costs are rising and so are addictions: What does the future hold for Cuan Mhuire?
[Irish Examiner] Clifford, Mick (07 May 2023)
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Micheál Martin in favour of Australia-style crackdown on vaping.
[Irish Examiner] Phelan, Ciara (06 May 2023)
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Prescriptions for medicines containing codeine up 22% since 2012.
[rte.ie] Lehane, Micheal (01 May 2023)
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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Written answer 214 - Revenue Commissioners (cannabinoids / cannabis edibles) [25751/23] [
[link removed]
] (30 May).
Written answer 13 - Youth services [24770/23]. [
[link removed]
] (25 May)
Written answer 18 - Gambling sector [25221/23]. [
[link removed]
] (25 May)
Written answer 211 - Gangland crime [25505/23]. [
[link removed]
] (25 May)
Written answer 23 - Mental health services [24753/23]. [
[link removed]
] (25 May)
Written answer 234 – Health services [crack cocaine] [25282/23]. [
[link removed]
] (24 May)
Extension of the Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2021: motion. [
[link removed]
] (24 May)
Written answer 220 – Departmental funding [task forces] [25266/23]. [
[link removed]
] (24 May)
Written answer 224 – Health services [availability of addiction services] [25270/23]. [
[link removed]
] (24 May)
Written answer 236 - Legislative measures [Public Health (Alcohol) Act 2018] [25284/23]. [
[link removed]
] (24 May)
Seanad Éireann debate - Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2022: second stage. [
[link removed]
] (23 May)
Written answer 159 - Prison service [foetal alcohol] [23260/23]. [
[link removed]
] (17 May)
Written answer 161 – Drug dealing [23293/23]. [
[link removed]
] (17 May)
Written answer 166 - An Garda Síochána [23428/23]. [
[link removed]
] (17 May)
Written answer 244 - Health services [alcohol youth] [23538/23]. [
[link removed]
] (17 May)
Written answers 96, 97 - School curriculum [23540/23, 23544/23]. [
[link removed]
] (17 May)
Joint Committee on Health debate. Access to community neurological rehabilitation teams: discussion.
[link removed]
] (17 May)
Seanad Éireann debate. Regulation of Lobbying (Amendment) Bill 2022: Report and Final Stages. [
[link removed]
] (17 May)
Written answer 500 - Prison service [cannabis] [22938/23]. [
[link removed]
] (16 May)
Written answer 509 - Legislative reviews [Public Order Act] [23098/23]. [
[link removed]
] (16 May)
Written answers 260, 267, 268, 270, 271, 272 - Illicit trade [tobacco]. [
[link removed]
] (16 May 2023)
Written answer 280 - Healthcare policy [tobacco] [22321/23]. [
[link removed]
] (11 May)
Written answer 172 – Road traffic offences [21109/23]. [
[link removed]
] (09 May)
Written answer 225 – Revenue commissioners [nitrous oxide] [21728/23]. [
[link removed]
] (09 May)
Written answer 423 - Prison service [21063/23]. [
[link removed]
] (09 May)
Joint Committee on Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth debate - General Scheme of
the Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2023: discussion. [
[link removed]
] (09 May 2023)
Joint Sub-Committee on Mental Health debate. Life cycle approach to mental health: discussion
(resumed). [
[link removed]
] (09 May)
Written answer 149 - Tobacco control measures [20977/23]. [
[link removed]
] (04 May)
Written answer 262 - Tobacco control measures [Pack size] [20978/23]. [
[link removed]
] (04 May)
Written answer 124 – National lottery [gambling] [20310/23]. [
[link removed]
] (03 May)
Written answer 266 - Legislative measures [gambling] [20216/23]. [
[link removed]
] (03 May)
Written answer 272 - Regulatory impact assessments [Alcohol] [20276/23]. [
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] (03 May)
Written answer 273 - Legislative measures [alcohol] [20277/23]. [
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] (03 May)
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