“Foxx did not want the vaccine but the movie studio forced him to get
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Mainstream Journalist: Jamie Foxx Suffered Massive Stroke Following His COVID Vaccination.
Independent journalist A.J. Benza says he spoke to someone in the room with Jamie Foxx who said Foxx has a blood clot in the brain after getting vaccinated. According to the source Foxx did not want the vaccine but the movie studio forced him to ...

Shrieking Harpy AOC in Unhinged Twitter Frenzy, Warns Followers Over Parody Account Mocking Her
I'm crying….too, too funny,

This is the brain trust of the 21st century Democrat party.

Follow this account: https://twitter.com/AOCpress

FYI there’s a fake account on here impersonating me and going viral. The Twitter CEO has ...

Bill Allowing Texas To Withdraw From ERIC Voting System Is Headed To Gov. Greg Abbott’s Desk
The answer to our nation's ills is paper ballots, same day in-person voting.

A Bill Allowing Texas To Withdraw From ERIC Is Headed To Gov. Greg Abbott’s Desk

By: Shawn Fleetwood, The Federalist, May 30, 2023:

On Monday, the Texas ...

HORRIFIC: California Teen Mob BRUTALLY Attacks Marines on MEMORIAL DAY [VIDEO]
Sickens me to my soul. Something has gone very wrong in America. Where are the parents?

Where is the media? No coverage by those jackals. A mob on three who serve. But believe me you, if the Marines had beat them back, the enemedia would have ...

Muslims murder 50 Christians, including pastor, displace 500 more Christians in Nigeria
Respect it, islamophobes!

Nigeria: Muslims murder 50 Christians, including pastor, displace 500 more Christians

May 30, 2023 9:00 am By Robert Spencer

The goal is to drive the Christians out entirely and establish a caliphate. ...

Taliban and Iran Start Killing Each Other
Biden gifted the Taliban a cache of militaria the world has never seen when he fled Afghanistan. He freed up billions to Iran. The idea that these two jihadic forces of evil would battle each other is an unexpected blessing.

Who said all the ...

Israeli Murdered in Judea Shooting, IDF on Terrorist Manhunt
Once again, call your member of Congress and demand that all U.S aid to the Palestinian Authority is stopped. The Palestinian Authority uses this 'aid' to pay Palestinian terrorists to murder Jews.

We are devastated to learn that Meir Tamari, ...

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