In 2006 my daughters were 8 and 10, I was a local Democratic Town Committee Chair, a member of the Housing Authority, and working at an affordable housing non-profit, and if you’d asked me where I saw myself in 2023, I wouldn’t have said: “in Congress.”
But sometimes, life takes you by surprise.
In 2007 our country was reeling from a needless war, and Washington – to say the least – lacked a whole lot of common sense. So, I stepped up, fought hard, and beat a 20-year incumbent.
Can you chip in to my re-election campaign?
Now, as I look back, I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished. We’ve fought hard to make a difference in the lives of every American. I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve my constituents and my country.
I won’t bore you with a list of our accomplishments since then, so I’ll just highlight a few. Since I took office, we:
PASSED healthcare reform that prevents insurance companies from turning away Americans because they have preexisting conditions.
PULLED THE ECONOMY OUT OF A DITCH and made sure Wall Street would never again destroy the economy and throw millions of Americans out of their jobs, despite Republican opposition every step of the way.
PASSED the biggest investments this country has ever made in our bridges, our trains, our airports, broadband, and combatting climate change.
KEPT PROMISES to seniors by lowering prescription drug costs, and to our veterans by expanding access to healthcare benefits.
Now, there’s still work to be done but I can’t do it without you, Friend. Will you contribute to my campaign and help me win re-election and flip the House blue in 2024?
You’ve heard me say it before, but I’ll say it again: I go to work every day so I can bring it home.
Whether it’s restoring and expanding the Child Tax Credit, reducing prescription drug costs for all Americans, expanding access to early childhood education and care, lowering home energy and water costs, creating jobs, building clean energy infrastructure, expanding workforce training, and more, there is progress to be made, and opportunity around every corner.
Let’s keep making progress, together.
— Jim