News from Rep. Chip Roy


Dear Mr. xxxxxx,

I wanted to pass along my latest update on what I have been doing to fight for you, Texas’ 21st Congressional district, and our country as a whole:

Opposing Biden’s debt ceiling deal
As we remembered our country’s heroes over the weekend, a debt ceiling deal was cut without any members of Congress at the table to decide whether or not the plan was in the best interest of Americans. Like I told Fox News, Biden’s deal goes against the plan House Republicans passed in April and it raises the national debt by $4 TRILLION dollars – something the American people do not want. 


We are barreling towards unlimited debt that would crush this country; this is not a deal we should be taking. Instead of fighting this ridiculous deal, my Republican colleagues are planning to vote for it. As my colleague Representative Donalds and I said on Fox News, the American people did not send us to Washington to just keep racking up the national debt – they sent us here to represent hardworking families back home. 


$4 trillion dollars… no deal
Speaker McCarthy and Joe Biden’s debt ceiling “deal” is a far cry from what House Republicans voted on with the “Limit Save Grow Act” back in April. The Limit Save Grow increases the debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion, reclaims unused Covid dollars, and cuts annual federal spending by $131 billion for next year alone, shrinking the federal bureaucracy to pre-covid levels and returning our nation to fiscal responsibility.


The plan Speaker McCarthy and President Biden have proposed would only enable woke government bureaucrats to continue endless spending that got us here in the first place. As I said during the Freedom Caucus press conference on Tuesday, now is the time for Republicans to hold the line and change course.


Stopping taxpayer dollars from funding woke ideologies
The U.S. Government has no business propping up woke scams like Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) funds. That’s why I re-introduced the “No ESG at TSP Act.” This legislation would prevent federal Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) from allowing taxpayer dollars to flow into woke ESG funds. ESG investing poses a dangerous threat to the free flow of capital. The movement is actively threatening our domestic energy supply, empowering activist shareholders, and advancing woke gender and racial ideologies. Congress should eradicate every federal policy and office that promotes it, starting here.

Here are some other news stories about what I’ve been up to lately:
Washington Examiner OP-ED: Hold the line: House Republicans must not cave on common sense debt ceiling bill
Fox Business | The White House created this manufactured crisis: Rep. Chip Roy
Rep. Roy urges Republicans to "hold the line" on the debt ceiling
News Max | Chip Roy: The only person that would default is Joe Biden
“We should hold the line for the American people… we should hold the line for the future of this country.”


Dripping Springs High School visits the capitol
This week, I had the opportunity to meet a group of students from Dripping Springs High School and speak with them on the capitol steps. It is my honor to fight for the next generation of Americans.


Team Roy meets with VA Secretary McDonough
On Tuesday, my team met with VA Secretary McDonough and Austin VA leadership this week to set the course for improving healthcare access and medical services for our veterans. Team Roy is committed to making it easier for TX-21 veterans to receive quality medical service they need. 


Kerr County Sheriff Department's Human Trafficking Townhall
Team Roy attended the Kerr County Sheriff Department’s Human Trafficking Townhall. Thank you to Sheriff Leitha and all of our law enforcement officers holding the line while our border remains in crisis.


If you have any concerns that my office can help out with, please don’t hesitate to call or email through the “email me” portal on my website. If you feel so inclined, you can also just send an old-fashioned letter to my Washington or district offices. 

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Chip Roy
Member of Congress

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