I need to make sure you saw the email below, though it isn’t easy to read.
Taxpayer, welcome to my world.
I'm the Director of Research and Investigations at White Coat Waste Project (WCW). Every single day, I uncover evidence of taxpayer-funded animal abuse ... and see much, much worse than what we included below.
It's unimaginable, really, the kind of pain these innocent, intelligent creatures were forced to endure. I honestly don't want to think about it more than I already have to.
But I also spend much of my time searching for and tracking government funding deadlines for cruel labs like these. That's because we've learned the most effective way to shut them down is to either block or cancel the funding BEFORE the experiments begin.
So I can tell you this, Taxpayer: We can save the next 9 monkeys from the same horrific fate by canceling NIH payout #R01NS045962.
Isn't that worth a few bucks? If you agree, please read the email below and chip in just $5 or as much as you can afford.
Right now, we’re still about $14,000 short of covering our budget goal. If we don’t make up the difference by midnight tonight, the National Institutes of Health may get away with slaughtering 9 more monkeys at Emory University in Atlanta, GA.
So please, act now to save the Emory 9!
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Daniel López |
Taxpayer —if we've ever needed your help, it's right now.
9 MORE MONKEYS are in DANGER of being CRIPPLED and EXTERMINATED by National Institutes of Health (NIH) white coats.
Just a few days ago: Our investigators discovered that the NIH extended funding for one of the worst primate experiments I've ever seen.
The experiments take place in a taxpayer-funded lab at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, and the video footage we've uncovered is absolutely heartbreaking:
Taxpayer, unless we take immediate action to cancel payout #R01NS045962, this is what could happen to another family of primates:
Yes, this nightmare is very real — and it's a recurring one.
In fact, you've been paying the $5.7M million tax bill... since 2004! [PAYOUT #R01NS045962]
But 19 years of monkey torture isn't enough for the NIH's white coats. They want to cripple and slaughter EVEN MORE of these sweet, intelligent creatures over the next year... and waste another $646K of our hard-earned tax dollars to do it!
But Taxpayer, here's the good news: We can still cancel the funding before the torture resumes, but ONLY if we can fund our NEW rapid response effort before the deadline.
Mackie, to stop taxpayer-funded animal testing, you must first stop wasteful government spending. Our strategy? Stop the MONEY. Stop the MADNESS!
That's why WCW is the only organization to have successfully shut down government primate labs in nearly a decade — no other group has closed any at all.
Remember the VA's $7 million Angel Dust lab in Minneapolis? Or its $9 million monkey crippling lab in West Haven? You gave generously — and we ended both quickly.
And remember the FDA's cruel $5.5 million baby nicotine addiction experiments? You stepped up. We stopped the experiments cold — and retired the survivors to a sanctuary!
In fact, with your help, we've slashed the FDA's primate abuse by 44%!
Now Taxpayer, I'm calling on you again. Will you help us end the NIH's primate testing program and prevent the torture of 9 more primates?
19 years is long enough,
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Justin Goodman Senior Vice President White Coat Waste Project |
P.S. What's happening at Emory University is criminal. But since NIH payout #R01NS045962 got extended, we must move especially quickly.
We started a new rapid response fund because the most effective way to stop a government experiment is to stop its funding as quickly as possible. Even $1 could help us defund this lab, end NIH primate experiments, and rescue the survivors.
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