The arch terrorist would be doing well under the three
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Buttigieg, Sanders & Biden Hit Trump for Eliminating Soleimani ([link removed]) The arch terrorist would be doing well under these three Read ([link removed])
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Did Free Women Beat "World Hijab Day" This Year? ([link removed]) It depends on who you ask Read and Share ([link removed])
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Iran Behind Multiple Attacks on US Targets in Iraq in Jan 2020? ([link removed]) Here's an infographic of all the attacks Read and Share ([link removed])
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Former CAIR Board Member on How CAIR Exploits Race ([link removed]) An exclusive interview Listen and Share ([link removed])
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Palestinians Reject Trump Peace Plan — Before It’s Rolled Out ([link removed])
“Of course, they rejected it, they reject everything.”
- C.H.
Rashida Tlaib Tweets Blood Libel Against Israeli Jews ([link removed])
“She needs to be referred to the Ethics Committee. This is un-American and a violation of her oath of office. ”
- M.S.H.
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