The truth is: we are not only running against Crooked Joe Biden… |
…We are also going up against the entire Deep State. |
Entrenched bureaucrats within the federal government have been trying to SABOTAGE our America First movement since the day I came down the Golden Escalator in 2015. |
They’ve FRAMED me as a Russian asset, incited countless witch hunts against me, colluded with billion-dollar tech corporations, and even ARRESTED me. |
Some Republican politicians respond to those HEINOUS attacks by saying that we should “APPEASE” the Deep State by running a Swamp-approved candidate instead! |
These RINOs think that if you compromise with the sinister forces that are actively trying to SUBVERT our Republic that these Deep State agents will simply go away forever and give you your country back and let you be free… |
…I can’t decide if these RINOs are cowards or fools. |
Friend, there is only ONE candidate who has vowed to NEVER SURRENDER our country to the Deep State – and that’s the man who even got ARRESTED for the sake of our movement. |
He goes by the name of Donald J. Trump. |
But I know that patriots like YOU have just as much courage. You are the lifeblood of our America First movement and will NEVER SURRENDER America to tyranny. |