Want some sunny, good news?
Watch this 6 minute conversation about Arlington's Solar Energy Agreement

This morning, I want to inspire you with some good news and share with you a very special guest who will be joining us on Sunday, February 23rd. 

The solar agreement described above is the good news--watch the video by clicking above! Sheila Bynum Colemen is the very special guest who will be joining us on February 23rd!
Click here to Join Sheila and Me on February 23rd!
Sheila Bynum Coleman challenged the former speaker who let the NRA use his conference room last year. This past week, gun safety legislation moved forward, the ERA is set to be signed. 
Sheila will join me on Sunday, February 23rd, from 330 to 530 pm at Sally Hill Cooper's home to raise the funds to continue the work for equity and collect food for Arlington Food Assistance Center.

Buy your ticket asap so that we can plan the food and drink!
At the home of Sally Hill Cooper
1300 Crystal Drive
Arlington, VA 22202
[Unit number available when you sign in at front desk] 
Sunday, Feb. 23, 2020
3:30 to 5:30 PM (Free Street Parking)
Click here to Buy Your Ticket to Join Sheila and me!
If you click on either blue button, you will be taken to a link where you can buy a ticket or join as a friend, ticketed attendee, AYD, co-host or host at the following amounts:
Friend - $100
Ticket - $50

Young Democrat - $25
Co-Host - $250

Host - $500 
Above and Beyond--$1000
I promise this will be an afternoon you will not want to miss. Why? The work we are doing helped lead to the Community Energy Plan and the solar agreement in the video.

Why else? The work we did last year for Sheila, Delegate Wendy Gooditis, and Delegate Hala Ayala helped flip Virginia Blue and is worth celebrating as we gear up for 2020. 

To learn more about who else is hosting and co-hosting, go here:  https://mattforcountyboard.com/events/  (Additional special guests have been invited and I think we will sell out, so please reserve as soon as possible.)._

As always, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for your commitment to our shared ideals, 

Matt for Arlington
Matt for County Board
Authorized by Matt for Arlington

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