| Anti-Trump RINOs have pledged to spend $200 MILLION to stop President Trump from winning the primary. | These RINOs want to SURRENDER our country to the radical Left and nominate a Republican who will play nice with the Deep State. | These cowards have absolutely no sense of dignity or honor. They want to APPEASE unelected bureaucrats who are actively stripping us of our liberty and justice. | That’s why President Trump is flying to Iowa today – home of the FIRST-IN-THE-NATION Republican caucus – to fight back and ensure our America First movement emerges VICTORIOUS. | When the President lands in Iowa, we’d love to report back to him that we crushed our May fundraising goal ahead of tonight’s end-of-month deadline and let him know who made it happen. | | | | | | ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Donald J. Trump Date: Tue, May 30, 2023 Subject: FW: Surrender is not an option To: <[email protected]> | | There’s one thing I will never understand. | Some weak Republicans (RINOS, we call them) will look at everything the Deep State has done to me… | …spying on me, framing me as a Russian asset, even arresting me… | And their response to all of those vicious attacks is to say that Republicans should nominate someone who will make peace with the Deep State. | Our freedom and justice are being ripped from our very hands, and these cowards’ gut reaction is to drop to their knees and surrender? | | We’re dealing with sinister forces that tried to SABOTAGE a duly elected president all because he’s a political outsider and vowed to fight for YOU – not the global special interests. | Surrender is NOT an option. | With news that these same cowardly RINOs are spending $200 MILLION to eliminate our campaign in the primary, I need your help making our May fundraising numbers as STRONG as humanly possible. | But if you’re doing poorly due to Biden’s disastrous policies, please do not feel pressured to make a donation right now. | | | | | Donald J. Trump 45th President of the United States | ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Donald J. Trump Date: Sun, May 28, 2023 Subject: RE: Let me clear something up To: <[email protected]> | | | The truth is: we are not only running against Crooked Joe Biden… | …We are also going up against the entire Deep State. | Entrenched bureaucrats within the federal government have been trying to SABOTAGE our America First movement since the day I came down the Golden Escalator in 2015. | They’ve FRAMED me as a Russian asset, incited countless witch hunts against me, colluded with billion-dollar tech corporations, and even ARRESTED me. | Some Republican politicians respond to those HEINOUS attacks by saying that we should “APPEASE” the Deep State by running a Swamp-approved candidate instead! | These RINOs think that if you compromise with the sinister forces that are actively trying to SUBVERT our Republic that these Deep State agents will simply go away forever and give you your country back and let you be free… | …I can’t decide if these RINOs are cowards or fools. | Friend, there is only ONE candidate who has vowed to NEVER SURRENDER our country to the Deep State – and that’s the man who even got ARRESTED for the sake of our movement. | He goes by the name of Donald J. Trump. | But I know that patriots like YOU have just as much courage. You are the lifeblood of our America First movement and will NEVER SURRENDER America to tyranny. | | | | | Donald J. Trump 45th President of the United States | |