As we gear up for the 2024 elections, Republicans are laying the foundation NOW to maintain, and gain, their power through anti-democratic tactics. 

Tonight marks Fair Fight’s May fundraising deadline. We’re close to hitting our targets — we just need a strong response to this email.

Here’s the thing: If everyone reading this message makes a small donation today, we’ll meet our May goal within minutes. But we can estimate that 83% of people who receive this email won’t open in time, and even fewer will be able to chip in.

So if you are one of the few people who can make a contribution today, it will go a long, long way. Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp recently signed Board of Elections takeover bills into law in three counties, which would remove lawfully appointed Black members and Democrats from their ranks. These laws are specifically designed to deny voters a voice and overturn the results of democratically held elections.

We’re using the donations we receive from this email to mitigate the impacts of these anti-democratic attacks by mobilizing activists to advocate against Republican takeovers, training our Democracy Watch volunteers to advocate for voting access in county Board of Election meetings, and more.

In order to stay on track towards funding these efforts, we need to raise an additional $5,500 by midnight. Will you rush a donation to help hit our May goal?


We’re grateful for your support, no matter how much or how often you’re able to donate. Thanks for being a part of this pro-voter movement.

Let’s keep up the fight,

The Fair Fight Team