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Dear John,  

Ted Pankiewicz

Be sure to visit our website:

Another GREAT day in Florida!
It's been a busy week...
President Trump delivered his State of the Union address, outlining victories and accomplishments.

Speaker Pelosi tore up the address in a pre-planned act of petty vengeance after her political defeats.

The Senate acquitted the President of impeachment charges. All told, between the House and Senate, the impeachment garnered exactly one Republican vote on one impeachment count. There were 5 times as many Democrat votes against impeachment as there were Republican votes for impeachment.

And then the Democrats held a Presidential Debate. The theme of the Debate was that now that impeachment has failed, how are the Democrats going to beat Trump? For those of us unfortunate enough to listen, there was much finger pointing and cross accusations, but the upshot was an agreement that none of the candidates were exciting voters enough to generate the type of voter turnout necessary to defeat Trump, and none of their economic plans were strong enough to defeat a president running on the current economy. Hearing the Democrats admit that they were in this kind of trouble on national television was eye-opening, to say the least.

And then there was the bad news...
Saturday afternoon, in Jacksonville, FL, a man in his 20s drove a van into a Republican voter registration drive being held in a shopping center. Fortunately, no injuries were reported, and the driver was captured by the Sheriff's Department.
It seems the Democrats are frustrated by their recent, serial losses. Perhaps they are more desperate than we realize. Many who read these email blasts regularly volunteer at events similar to the one in Jacksonville, so the message is clear: BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!
In these contentious times, we must all be alert against the dangers posed by those who do not understand where the lines are drawn in a civil society. Use common sense, uncommon care, and err on the side of caution! We salute the quick response of the Duval County Sheriff's Department in the Jacksonville matter, and here at home, we depend upon our own local law enforcement departments to keep us all safe and maintain the public order.

And, as always, in local politics...

Don't forget the REC Meeting on Wednesday, February 12 -- usual time, usual place...see you there!


Keep America Great sign-wave
Sat., Feb. 15th
58th Ave. and 20th St. (C.R. 60)
11 am (following Republican Club of Indian River fundraiser breakfast - details below)


Monday, Mar. 16, 2020
Bent Pine Golf Club
Speaker: Peter Schweizer



The below content has been generated by Republican Clubs, and is not the responsibility of the Indian River County REC.

From Republican Club of Indian River, Inc.:
Join us for our Club Fundraiser Breakfast
Sat., Feb. 15, 2020, 8am - 10am at Applebee's:
From Republican Women of Indian River:
Next Meeting Mon. Feb. 10 at BENT PINE (Grand Harbor had scheduling conflict - this will be the ONLY meeting at Bent Pine) 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Speaker: Michelle Easton
See our monthly newsletter:


The below content has been generated by Republican candidates for elective office, and is not the responsibility of the Indian River County REC. Indian River County REC has not, and does not, endorse any of the candidates whose announcements may appear below, unless and until a specific declaration of endorsement is made and published by the Indian River County REC.

 Joe Saul
Secretary Indian River County REC




Joe Saul
Indian River County Republican Executive Committee



Indian River County Republican Executive Committee, 2001 9th Ave., Ste. 107, Vero Beach, FL 32960
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